It started off maybe a few times a year where I would wake up sweaty. Now since December its almost every night. At least I think so. The reason I say that is cause there are nights I wake up with a slight sweat on my chest, armpits and back of neck. Most of what I wake up with is the feeling in my shorts and armpits of the t shirt of being cool. Maybe damp. But its where if I hold the fabric for a minute or two, you feel no difference in the material. Bedding is always dry. In the same timespan I went from never remembering my dreams to every single night very vivid dreams, multiple ones a night. Not terrors exactly, and I dont wake up like from a nightmare, but if I were to describe to to someone they are mostly somewhat disturbing. There have also been morning that I woke up with one or more hands clenched.
Ive also found that my body temp goes very low at night. 96.6 the other night. Doctors havent a clue. Was wondering if anyone has had similar complaints. You look up night sweats online (big mistake) and everything comes up with the worst possible causes.