Re: Taking selenium WITH amalgams
Hi illys,
Sorry for the late response.
Thanks for the info. I'm still researching info regarding selenium and mercury. I have seen some papers where it is said that selenium causes mercury to accumulate in the brain:
"Even though selenium counteracts the neurotoxicity of mercury, cadmium, lead and vanadium, it causes them to accumulate in the brain, presumably in a nontoxic complex."
I'm not confidant with the selenium-mercury combination with this kind of information. Who knows the long term side effect of that!
PS: IMPORTANT!! I want to copy paste the conversation I had via mail with Cutler, to avoid mistakes. I said to him:
"My uncle has
Amalgams in the mouth, but due to problems of work, he cannot remove them at the present time. He has too the immune system damaged, so he was recommended to take selenium. Could he take 400-800 mcg/day of selenium in the for of selenium yeast (Selenoexcell), or with the
Amalgams is dangerous?"
He answered: "This is fine, he can take that."