I suffer from hormone imbalance (high estorgen)which has lead to many problems like really bad PMS, depression, water retention, fatigue and blood
Sugar level imbalance....basically this problem has turned my life around and I'm really sick of suffering from this. As a result of
Depression it has lead me to a lot of weight gain. I am a stress eater and I have turned to food everytime I get upset. And the food I eat is mostly junk, high in
Sugar and fat. I've also become very anti-social and feel like I need to hide myself from everyone. I feel like I really need to cleanse myself inside and out. So I read about these forums and did some research on fasting and the benefits of healing. If
Water Fasting can help me lose weight and heal my body, I think my life would be so much easier. I really need support on this, so if anyone wants to join me, please! I plan to fast 10 days on water only and than build up slowly from diluted juice to juice and than raw fruits and vegetables. I hope to lose 10-15
lbs. Any support or fasting buddies, plz reply.