So sorry to hear about what you are going through... It does look like there are liver flukes in your stool photos.
You will recover, it may just take some time. But it's very important to be continually colon and liver cleansing as you go along to keep the toxic dumps from building up in your system and to keep everything moving out. This will help a lot with the depression as well. Which can be absolutely brutal I know. I am just coming out the other end of a 2.5 year battle with a hyper f. Hepatica liver fluke infection and the depression and herx have been brutal. Without enemas (water and coffee) , psyllium husk and laxatives I don't know if I could have gotten Through it. So you should take rounds of parasite meds and herbs. Garlic is very effective on flukes. They don't look to me to be f. Hepatica so you should be able to get them with prazi + albebdazole. Another good combo I discovered is myrrh (however it's spelt!) taken alongside with albendazole, its very powerful. Even against f hepatica. As you kill off the parasites,they will dump a toxic load, so you must be sure to keep with with the cleansing. You should do liver flushes with oil and lemon regularly. Most people will recommend no more than once every two weeks but of its an emergency and your liver is extremely toxic due to killing off flukes, there is no problem doing it more often. I was flushing every few days at one point without issue. This will help with the depression. As will coffee enemas... You can do up to a couple a day, but be sure to replace electrolytes with fruit/veg juice, and a little salt In water. You should drink psyllium throughout (along with senna will help it move through) as well as some bentonite clay if u can .. I would also support the liver with turmeric, milk thistle, dandelion.
I know the depression and the die off Is brutal but you just have to push through it with the faith that you will recover in some time, and you will 😊
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