He can not discredit me in any way. I have left my knowledge in these forums to benefit those who comes behind me. I have written too much about this miserable syndrome and left more than 2500 post in this single forum. I have written about the immune system and candida hundreds of times in this and other forums, presented evidence, medical papers, studies from Dr. Truss, the father of this disease, all I know have been left here. He doesn't understand how the immune system interact with candida, how candida suppresses the immune system, how immune modulators work, how and why the immune system stop attacking and defending us from a microbe such as candida. I can assure you the archives are full of good information but I can not go over and over with the same. There are many good topics written by fellow members who battled this syndrome very hard. It doesn't make sense for me to interact with Grizz when I know he doesn't have knowledge about this syndrome and this isn't the first time he comes to this forum with its obsessive claims. If I remember correctly, time ago it was about honey, with the same behavior.