People on curezone need to be very careful about what advice they are giving
People on curezone need to be very careful about what advice they are giving.
The advice of some people, may do more harm than good.
A person can come on curezone and ask a few questions. You know very little about their health, or what they already understand.
Some people are recommending severe treatments.
Then people may say they had a bad reaction to the treatment, and the advice is often, do more of this severe treatment.
Be very careful. The other person may not be as healthy as you, and may not understand what you understand.
As for fasting: A safe way to fast is to have a healthy breakfast, and fast the rest of the day. I think it would be wise to recommend inexperienced people not to fast more than 2 days without medical supervision.
Fasting is not the only area where severe treatments, or ineffective treatments, are recommended or being used.
To those reading curezone: There are some sensible people giving good advice on curezone. However, there is also some bad advice on curezone. When you have a public forum, where anyone can give advice, you get all types. Use your own intelligence to find out all you can before believing everything. Inexperienced people should start out with the more gentle methods first.
Another thing to be aware of: There are some who just repeat what they find somewhere else on the internet. They treat this as if it is proof. In some cases, the information they are repeating is bad information. Don't believe everything.
You can often get valuable information from people who have successfully overcome a medical condition.