We should all be so blessed as to have our own personal revelation of Heaven and Hell! Some have spoken and written books concerning this, Mary Baxter comes to mind. With 6 + billion souls alive on this earth (souls that live forever) it would be conceivable that someone would have this trip scheduled with Jesus, just as John had his. God can and will do as we ask, especially when we ask in faith and for the spread of salvation to the rest of the world's inhabitants.
Unfortunately, if you were to have such an experience, you would not be any more believed than John's account is. You would be considered delusional and psychotic.. "What drugs are you on?-Give me some!" What a blessing, and what a curse.
A man will do as he is so inclined, no other man can change that. The choice to listen is theirs to make. All the rest can do is expose the Word. We may be the only bible some people ever get to see in their lifetimes!