"Is it normal to use your partners lifeless, sleeping body to spank the monkey? He could have gone in the bathroom and used the p 0 r n we have just as easily (which I am okay with...I also use it and we use it together). I know he was thinking of me. But while I'm asleep?????"
My goodness, no it is not! I am quite literally appalled by some of the replies you have received. I honestly do fear that the vast majority of humanity is perverted in some way, and after reading this thread there seems to be no doubt. How can anyone find this behaviour acceptable? As you lie sleeping, your "boyfriend" uses parts of your limp body to pleasure himself? For goodness sake! This is one step away from necrophilia!
If he was thinking of you he would have forgotten his sexual cravings in an instant and held you as you both slept peacefully...