7 y
Re: Dry Fasting - Day 1
Good evening dear Belle,
Well dry fasting can be done a variety of ways: Ive done it many ways - resting, working, physical labour, sleeping and reading, after weeks of enemas or after dumpling soup, and bread... all different. Cake, cashews and Ice cream are all pretty blocking foods but the fasting should let your body deal with it the way it needs to. might be a bit of a crash, but hopefully you can just be strong and patient through the tough bits.
As for in my room well that was to add to a spiritual dynamic. I have also done 3 days of chainsawing and clearing trees, and martial arts... So It depends. My advice would be work but take it easy.
Its all fairly much similar results give or take... obviously the cleaner you are the better - worst case scenario do an enema... Dry fasting is shorter, so when you feel things going a little kookoo just take a break, cleans/drink/ eat light and then you can continue on... it doesn't have to be so ridged just listen to your body.
But set small goals and then set bigger ones. Try a few short dry fasts, then attempt a longer one.
I would research cascading dry fasts like one day dry, one day water, two day dry, two day water, then 3 days and 3 days... all the way to 5...