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Re: Blastocystis Hominis Nitazoxanide/Furazolidone/Secnidazole cocktail therapy

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1whitehorse1 Views: 8,972
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Re: Blastocystis Hominis Nitazoxanide/Furazolidone/Secnidazole cocktail therapy

I have been corresponding with Jackie and she sent me the Sulphur free second line of therapy, which includes Secnidazole, Noroxin and Diloxanide Furoate drugs. I have trouble with just one Antibiotic as it is, as I'm VERY sensitive to Antibiotics in general. I've been prescribed the perennial favourite, Flagyl by my GP/doctor. I haven't taken it yet though.

I had no idea she was working with Dr. Borody. And that the poo transplants were so harmful (but I mean, obviously, poo transplants don't sound like a great idea! I wouldn never do that!)

But you know what, I've seen some really bad reviews of this Dr. Cahill you recommend so highly. He sounds like an as*hole. Lots of people on here think so too. I won't take your words at face value then.

The strange thing is, I saw on Jackie's website, after she ends her story of suffering for like 7 or something years with Blastocystis Hominis, she said the doctor put her on a combo of first Iodoquinol and doxycycline, and then a combo of Flagyl(Metronidazole) and Bactrim(Septra), after which she says she felt better, tested negative and continued with her life. She says from then on, she felt better. And yet I find it a bit hypocritical for her to say that *I* shouldn't try Flagyl, because it has a poor success rate...well it had some part in curing her condition, didn't it??? That's the part that I don't get. She feels better after that all that medication, and yet she tells people, don't take Flagyl as a first attempt.

I think the main lesson here is, different drugs will work for different people, depending on severity, constitution, age, past health history, length of infection. It really is trial and error. Just because a triple therapy worked for someone, doesn't mean it will work for you, or make you feel healthier afterwards. You could feel a lot worse on any prescription med. That is the risk you're taking. Or you could feel great.

I mean, some people cured themselves with Secnidazole itself and Black-Walnut /de-toxified artemisia/carnation flower tea...

When I pointed out that post to Jackie, she say, well, he was just lucky.

So really, nobody knows what will work for you. Doctors just try one thing, and if that doesn't work, they try another. A homeopath is going to give you what they think will work best. No guarantees that it will or that it won't make you feel worse off.

I guess the lesson here is, see your doctor and try their suggestions. It also doesn't hurt to see a homeopath or naturopath who can help you with anti parasite therapy after you take any Antibiotics . And if your doctor fails, then see your gastroenterologist and see what they say.

I know that Flagyl is not as strong as Secnidazaole in killing Blasto, as Flagyl has a lesser halflife. You can google this fact online. Flagyl also apparently has more side effects. That's the drawback I can see versus those two drugs.

But again, who knows what could or couldn't work...? I don't know. I don't think anyone can really predict the success of any one or combined therapy.

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