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Re: Blastocystis Hominis Nitazoxanide/Furazolidone/Secnidazole cocktail therapy
shroom Views: 39,552
Published: 18 y
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Re: Blastocystis Hominis Nitazoxanide/Furazolidone/Secnidazole cocktail therapy

I have blasto as well. You have to be careful when assuming this is the primary infection. It really depends on the strain you have. Many people carry B. hominis, without symptoms. There could be something else which is at the heart of the over-all problem, which may not be easy to detect. For example, intestinal fluke. There are also many microbes which could have developed during your Antibiotic therapy.

If your digestive issues have become very uncomfortable, I would even suspect C. difficle infection, which can develope in a small percentage of people who have undergone therapy with 'clindamycin'.
Stool samples of watery diarrhea are best for detection of ovum or other evidence of parasites.
I can tell if the B.Hominis is pathogenic, but I doubt the typical lab tech could without genetic profiles. It is a tricky thing. The protozoa have receptors which pick up certain drugs, and can attract antibodies. I personally think benzodiazepines are best for this. It MUST be followed through with antiparasitic therapy.
In mty own case, there is so much more going on, that I cannot place the protozoa at the top of the list.
If you include more of your symptoms, we can help you direct a starting point---I think. Shroom


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