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Re: Blastocystis Hominis Nitazoxanide/Furazolidone/Secnidazole cocktail therapy
  Views: 34,494
Published: 15 y
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Re: Blastocystis Hominis Nitazoxanide/Furazolidone/Secnidazole cocktail therapy

I have had blasto for about 6 years now. What started as pain and diagnosed as IBS, ended up showing that I had Helicobacter. I took something at the time and got rid of many of the sytems. However these started again and after getting what seemed like a hundred tests, found out I had Blasto. My doctor tried many combinations of herbal based treatments, however after testing again, I still had it. My naturopath suggetsed Colonics. I have had 6 colonics and the symtoms improved dramatically however have since come back. She also suggested a herbal fluid called Miracle-Mineral-Supplement that you have with water, but I have not tried this yet as it can take at least 6 months for any change.

My doctor prescribed me the coktail you mentioned and the dosage is very strong. Three kinds - 2, three times a day and the other twice a day. I did this for 3 days only and vomited for about 5 hours straight and bad cramping. The doctor has since suggested to just try the Notazoxanide on its own for at least three days, once my stomach is a little settled. I am yet to try this.

Throughout all of it I have experienced, hot flushes, anxiety, nausea, aching back, legs and hands, severe bloating, constipation, stomach cramps, eye infections. I have been off dairy, wheat, sugar, caffiene and alcohol and these do relieve symtoms, but Im running out of things to eat and enjoy.

Ill fill you in when I get tested after just trying the Nitazoxnide. I am not big on Antibiotics and have tried to avoid them my whole life.


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