Re: Getting off of Xanax and AF recovery failure
Hey Mar
I wasnt on benzos when starting with Lam,I was originally on nothing (was on Elavil but had been off them CT for three months) and then went on Remeron while on Lams programme because my sleep and
Depression became worse. I went on benzos after stopping with took me to benzos!
Thanks for the thoughts on the CT, but I am definitely not going to reinstate as I am almost 12 weeks out. My emotional and logically brain is clear and functioning pretty well, almost normal in fact... its just the subconcious and the physical sysmptoms that are still lingering, and although brutal and difficult to get through each day with, I am going to remain strong and keep fighting. Most on benzo buddies think I am doing remarkably well, so should not reinstate. I probably should of in the first month, but I had no idea what was happening to me at the time. I only realised in Febuary..and im so stubborn I just wanted to keep going!
But yes a benzo CT person is now so tender, any form of med effects can be 500% more intense.