About.com Anti-cannabis propaganda
Congratulations! You finally posted some references.
Starting from the bottom,
The posts on http://alcoholism.about.com
Are ALL riddled with logical fallacies, misleading statements, and problems that can only be attributed to Marijuana as a result of its illegal status. Most of the statements are pure speculation and obviously the data is cherry picked. None of this takes into account the proper use of cannabis, which would be commonly accepted and utilized if the drug was legal and disseminated information regarding its use was not censored or ignored by the establishment. Unfortunately any of the studies done lack specifics regarding the stock and details regarding consumption, so while they may have interesting conclusions their results leave more questions than answers.
Here is a quote from about.com that says it all. "Since marijuana is illegal, it is hard to do the controlled studies that have been done with tobacco. Because of this, it helps to look at what we do know about marijuana:"
Also we know studies of tobacco have been very inaccurate and they often overlook important factors like the wether organic tobacco was used in the study or not.
The Studies sited are therfore not scientifcally sound as they overlook and neglect significant factors which would affect their outcomes.