Re: Marijuana's Effects On Consciousness
Just one more thing - by "schizophirenic thinking", i mean mostly that emotions and consciousness are experienced in other-than-normal ways. You might experience two emotions at the same time, or have psychdelic mindsets in which you experience things as being multi-layered, or things may be "fragmented". The whole NATURE of the experience is other-than-normal. This can have a BAD side, if you smoke WAY too much pot or do some incrreadibly STRONG hallucinogen like DMT. There's a passage from the book "The Electric KoolAid Acid Test", which I read, in which one of the Merry Pranksters - can't recall his name, did DMT, and it totally "fragmented" his thinking. Like pretty much a psychotic reaction. It was as if (as is descibred in the book), he was experiencing evertying as though it was fragmented. He turned out okay, after a long while. I've read many reports of BAD reactions from DMT. It's way too strong and fast-acting. I've never done it, and I never will. I'm not planning on doing ANY hallucinogens or drugs of any kind for the rest of my life other than maybe getting stoned twice a month and getting drunk once a week. It's a promise to my own self. I LOVE the topic of hallucinogens - it totally fascinates me, but I am also aware that with such drugs, you really ARE playing "chemical russian roulette" w/ your brain. Things can just come out of nowhere - even with weed - thoughts, emotions, etc. Weed is just a toned-down psychedelic experience, really, and one I'm willing to take now and then, despite the wierd stuff that goes with it sometimes. I can't really even think of ONE TIME being stoned in which SOMETHING wasn't wierd in some way or another. USually, 90 percent of the time, this wierd stuff is something that is easy to deal with. But sometimes it sucks! Anyway, I was just saying a bit more about what I meant by "schizophrenic thinking". I also recently read another book - "Lysergic" by Krystle Cole - she talks about HER DMT trip in one part of the book, and it totally SUCKED for her. I will never touch this drug! OR ANY MORE FOR THAT MATTER (other than some weed and some alcohol sometimes - and yeah, coffee and cigarettes). I'll just sit on the sidelines and hear about other's tales. One thing that I also think sucks about weed, sometimes, is that you will smoke the stuff, and then try smoking a cigarette, and it feels TERRIBLE! Probably becuase I hold my hits of pot in for about fifteen seconds. NOT good for your lungs, no doubt! And then you might smoke a cigarette afterwords, and it...oh god it feels bad! I think there is probably some action of the pot on your lungs or trachea in a certain way, too - it like..opens your airways up, or something, from what I've read, and maybe that just makes smoking cigarettes feel like crap even more, or something. Like your airways are more open and you're getting MORE smoke into your lungs or trachea than usual - is what I mean. Anyway, I'm interested in your thoughts about psychological TERMS for various aspects of consciousness experienced while stoned, and also your (specific to yourself) mental states you had. I mean, have you ever had something very SPECIFIC that only YOU experienced? That sort of stuff.