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Re: Marijuana's Effects On Consciousness
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Re: Marijuana's Effects On Consciousness

"It is so enjoyable a notable percent of the people want to continue the stoned feeling and therefore consume the drug again and again.."

If you have used it then you would know that it doesn't work that way, after saturation of the conponents it ceases to be euphoric at the same level. Only after stopping for a considerable period of time does it regain such effect. Marijuana is stored in fat cells and is released over time, that is why an individual will show that cannabis is still in their system for 30 days or more.

"The effects on peoples brains is not fully understood so there is lots of room to experiment and learn."

Peoples brains are not fully understood.

So your point is neither here nor there.

"Go can be assured you will have lots of fun along the way.
If you want to be a lab rat for experimentation to prove the positives verses the negatives then you are more than welcome to volunteer and consume all the marijuana you can tolerate and we will learn together if YOU are better for it or worse off for it."

The point is not having fun, perhaps that is why you have established such a perception of Marijuana. Cannabis has been used as food, medicine etc. for thousands of years. And I certainly am better off for having consumed it, for various reasons, one being health and well being.

"I will feed it to you and I will watch your reactions .....both good and bad."

Thanks but I can administer it to myself...and thats the point I don't need a doctorpriest to tell me what I already know.

"What about "drugs" that ease peoples pain? Or "drugs" like sugar? The ultimate gateway drug.

My Answer: Here we go expected...evasive reasoning.Stick to the subject matter and let marijuana stand on its own merits and detriments....the good andthe bad.
Stop comparing the drug to other substances while trying to avoid the issue concerning the specific negatives associated with the drug and its consumption while side stepping the issue of the known negatives concerning its consumption and the need to recognise them."

Your response is hypocritical, because you avoid the issue that sugar has a tremendous effect on a person and society, so much so that wars have been fought over the substance where thousands died. The subject matter is "drugs" that was your talking point, if you never wanted it to stray from marijuana you shouldn't have brought the "drugs" concept into it. Every substance has some negative effect depending on the situation and the perception of the individual. Especially sugar.

"I support it's legitimate and regulated use as one day I may need to use it myself. But that is a somewhat loaded answer because I know well that the marijuana consumers, all too often, are far from honest or forthright or even sincere about the use of the drug for medicinal puposes.
The medicinal marijuana consumption system that has evolved is very corrupted and some statistics show that less than 5% of the card carrying medical marijuana consumers are legitimate users."

"Lies, damned lies, and statistics"

"George Washington used marijuana ...

George Washington in a note to his gardener at Mount Vernon ..Some assert his interest in separating the male and female plants is an indication that he may have used Indian hemp medicinally to treat his chronic tooth aches. Others note that fiber of the male and female hemp plants have different optimum harvest times."

I don't need a doctorpriest to regulate a natural herb that is God given. Regulating Chemical extractions is one thing, regulating a naturally occuring plant is tyranny.

"Meantime the data shows that a overwhelming majority of the pot heads
(habitual consumers) abuse the legitimate system that was meant to help those that really are in need of the drug."

This is a bogus arguement because the only reason it appears the "legitimate system" is being abused is because it has been fallaciously made illegal in the first place. Also Using pot head as a derogatory term only shows the ignorance, racism, and discriminatory bent behind your arguement.

"You can clearly see that all too many of marjiuana consumers are seemingly self centered about their consumption of the drug."

Not sure where you are drawing this conclusion from other than a delusional misconception.

"Apparently they will participate in scamming a perfectly legitimate medical system that evolved out of compassion for people in need of a usefull medical substance.
That particular aspect of legal drug consumption that has evolved and how the pot heads have corrupted it is an excellant example of the collective mentality of the habitual marijuana consumer known effectionately as: POT HEADS!
What else can we expect from the habitual marijauna consumers after the system is further legalised."

The system is bunk anyway, people shouldn't have to go to a doctorpriest for herbs. The racist and discriminatory aspect of drug prohibition is well known and its roots manifest in a time when such policies were easily introduced under false pretenses. The response by the oppressed individuals you call,"POT HEADS" is simply blowback from the former era of racial and social injustice that still lingers on.

"Then of course there is caffeine...another "drug".

My answer: Exactly. Another drug? So we are just adding one more drug to the problem and we are expected to accept it and its problems because there already are other problematic drugs and or other problematic consumer subtances??? So this is the best answer you can offer when marijuana is pointed out to have its own problems also??
Again, stick to the subject of marijauna and let the drug stand on its own merits concerning its good points and bad points.
We all know well the good points that the drug consumer wants us to desperately acknowledge and we have and will continue to aknowledge good points and suggestions but comparisons are not the best answer. Meantime do the drug free citizens the respect of acknowledging its negatives and detriments to individuals and to society in general."

Why don't you point out some real negative effects instead of speaking of some nebulous "nefarious characters". Comparison is a perfectly legitimate form of argument, and I definitely think coffee beans should remain legal despite their percieved negative effects. You are the one that continues to lump all "drug" users into a seperate category from "drug free citizens" , when the truth is everyone is a drug user in one form or another.

"Answer: Gee wizz I did not realise that there are no problems with the drug..I guess I have been duped for falling for all those legitimate "NON GOVERNMENT data based reports that continue to inform us and educated us about the numerous known problems with the consumption of the drug."

My response to your staement is," ingested properly there are no negatives." It is the fault of the very studies that you point to where they have improperly administered cannabis and then blamed it on the herb itself.

They did the same thing with Tobacco. They did a bunch of studies on tobacco that was grown in toxic soil with conventional radioactive fertilizers and guess what they causes cancer. Then they blame all tobacco for causing cancer. Very tricky what they did, and they do the same thing with cannabis. Those studies aren't in depth enough, they don't take all the factors into account, because it would be nearly immpossible to track all the factors. Another comparison I have used here to illustrate the drug policy gone wrong.

"My answer: May have worked back then but that was then and they did not know nearly as much as they know now about the drug and the associated problems with its consumption."

Oh? and what supposed problems are there, that effect society over the individual?

"There were not millions and millions of people taking the drugs on top of more drugs on top of more drugs and or a long list of negative substances that need to have some degree of control and law enforcement attached to their wide spread public consumption."

Are you sure about that? Were you there? Perhaps cannabis was merely considered a food and not a drug at all. The fact is you don't know.

My Answer: Ahhhh yes. Positive results. Of course there was / is positive results. However, as usual, you forgot to include the negative results that are so easily ignored."


You are the one that never included the negative results in the first place(other than the nebulous "nefarious characters"). I was merely pointing out a study for your benefit. If you raed the article it mentions negatives involved.

"****Is the ongoing consistancy in ignoring the negatives of marijuana consumption something that is "developed" by the drug consumers or is it a naturally inherited gene that I did not inherit and you did.***"

What negatives? You have failed to produce any negatives that supercede the proper use of the substance.

"On the other hand the non drug consumers will continue to acknowledge and respect any positive aspects of the drug consumption and take them into consideration."

I seriously doubt there is such a thing as a "non drug consumers" in mode-earn society.

"My answer: Yes ..and that is why I want it legalized so we can better recognize the self serving excuses verses the hard facts concerning the conduct of THAT percent of people. The people who consume the mind altering and physically altering substances that effect their public social conduct and how they interact with "sober,lucid people"."

You know it is ironic that the very same problem exists within the people that label themselves as "sober,lucid people". One obvious example is a consumer that eats food, and they somehow think they are drug free, when the food is filled with "drugs", pesticides, anti-biotics, herbicides, refined sugar, etc. They are toxic, and yet they believe they are "sober,lucid people". You have pointed out that not one is in fact "sober,lucid people"." This part is the most telling.....people who consume the mind altering and physically altering substances,..." like cholesterol, sugars(blood sugar alters the state of mind), Cayene alters the blood flow to the body and mind, I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Food alters the physical body and the mind.

Flavonoids: the diet's effect on human memory and learning

"You know..the sober,lucid individuals who are the sworn enemy that the drug consumers loath so much because many others choose to be drug free and want to advise you and others to listen to sensible advice when they advise it is best not to take the drug."

Seems like it is the other way around. It is the people that are under the delusion that they are drug free, that enforce their will on individuals in a fascist state of collectivism, through a cookie cutter approach.

"My answer: Yes better not to take the drugs. Simple good advice. Your family would be happy knowing you do not consume the drug."

My family is not so close minded as to believe in such a statement. They are well aware of the reality that consumption of substances whether they are given the stigma of "drugs" or "food" can have detrimental effects if improperly administered. This is why the don't try to consume green peas through their nose !)

"Do not consume food?

My answer: Truely bad comparison.ButI will visit you in the hospital after you do not consume the ESSENTIAL elements called food wich is "absolutely needed" for your well being and survival.
Marijauna, on the other hand, is NOT needed all!"

Unfortunately there is no proof supporting your claim, and ultimately your reasoning is irrelevant, because hemp/marijuana is food, and does contain valuable nutrient and minerals. As matter of fact Cannabis contains phenols in amounts that are not found in other plants. Just like Tumeric contains a valuable anti-inflammatory call curcumin, so too does the cannabis plant contain valuable anti-inflammatory compounds. These compounds are definitely needed for well being if an individual is having an inflammatory attack. Sure people may not "need" them, but they will survive alot longer and have a substantially better quality of life if they do have them. Therefore it could easily be said "They need those herbs."

"If every marijuana consumer was to consume their pot in the sanctuary of their home and sit there while totally immobilised by the drug and not move for the next 12 hours until the drug effects wore off then I would love the drug to death for being nearly non problematic to any one else in any significant way."

This is total bunkem, cannabis taken in small doses is hardly noticeable. And at larger doses and when taken for an extensive period of time, it does nothing noticeable but dilate the blood vessels, which creates a relaxing sensation similar to a bathh in magnesium salts.

"It is a party harty,yahoo,yeehaw drug for most consumers."

All part of your stereotype, one size fits all mentality.

"Where the drug goes the trouble goes and where the trouble goes the drug goes."

Again this is false. There is no proof of this.

"That is not my theory about the use of the drug."

That is a lie, because you just stated it, therefore it is your theory. I did not see any quotations around your statement therefore it is safe to assume that you have stated it.

"It is the yahoos and yeehaws and bad boys and its association with the criminal elements that the law is concerned about and it is concerned about it on your behalf also ..if you have not realised it yet."

Thanks but I don't "need" the "law"(that is the police) to help me out, they have done enough damage already as it is, I do not give my consent for them to oppress and loot the lower caste people in society and build their prison indusytrial complex, under the guise of my "behalf". I do not consent to the oppression of non-violent drug offenders(which are the majority) as an excuse for "helping me out".

"You are also subject to any POSSIBLE bad behaviour and or the POSSIBLE negative ramifications of peoples drug consumption."

I am also subject to any POSSIBLE bad behaviour by those who try to make it appear as though they are helping me out.

We fabricated drug charges against innocent people to meet arrest quotas, former detective testifies

"The Police and the law enforcement officials will come to your aid also, if and when there IS a drug related problem that needs their attentions. IF and when it is effecting you in some legally recognised way."

You mean like the article above, because thats how they do it in reality.

"Do not think that you will not and or can not be effected in some negative way by the consumption of marijuana by other people."

Ok you got me on this one, I admit sometimes cannabis users over sleep, I suppose that has effected me negatively on the occasion.

"That other half ,while they are stoned on the drug called marijauna when it is obvious it surely was the drug consumption that created the problem that you are now confronted with."

Ok, I know what you are getting at here, but could you give a few examples where Marijuana was the sole cause for a major problem? Otherwise I'm calling B*&lSh#% on this statement.

"Should we register you on the police data base that clearly states you are a pro marijauna advocator who repeatedly stated: "There are no problems with marijauna consumption and marijauna consumers cause no problems at all"

Typical fascist rhetoric. If the police were actually just, that would be one thing, but it is safe to say most police are not "Good Folks".

""Hmmmmmm....Best to ignore it because they are smoking pot and we all know the pot heads are hands off now a days because it is legal now and not good public relations to arrest any pot heads no matter what they do."

If all they were doing is drinking and smoking pot, they can do what they want, its called freedom. But within a city that is incorporated sound laws apply. But honestly I would be OK with that as well. Because I have taken the measures to ensure my living situation.

"My answer: I am not sorry if the facts disturb you and or challenge your beliefs that marijuana can do no harm and the consumers of the drug can do no harm.
Furthermore you are intelligent enough to know the meaning of what I have said."

As with the quote that I responded to, here you are framing the debate, and misrepresenting my position, is this how you represent "non drug consumers"? By distorting the truth. Your statement was illogical because "non drug consumers" as you put it, contribute to problems just like any other human being. I grasp your meaning and that meaning did not make logical sense.

"My answer: Again you know the meaning of what I have said and you can not side step the fact that all too many of the drug consumers argue that their consumption of the drug is innocent."

Ok, I didn't understand your meaning, and I still don't your use of the term "drug consumer" is baffling because it is not well defined and only means something to you, I obviously do not share your implied definition. What is you definition of drugs? Who is a "drug consumer"?

"I know for certain that a percentage of the drug consumers will not abide by the new laws or regulations and rules and the rules of drug consumption decorum that you and many may very well abide by."

I know for certain a percentage of people will not abide by new laws or regualtions and rules that are unjustly foisted upon them by the powers that be.

"Remember, the laws and rules are being changed and in favour of the drug consumer and the good drug consumers reputations are at risk by way of the bad boy consumers who fortify the belief that marijuana is consumed by bad people."

Only by people like you that lump all "drug consumers" into the same category, and make it a blanket problem instead of one that is dealt with justly, on a case by case basis.

"Will you be one of the citizens that police the conduct of that percent of the yahoos and nefarious types that destroy the good image of the drug that you work so hard to have accepted into mainstream society??"

I don't need to police anything, I know what the truth is. And Marijuana is relatively benign compared to many other things in this society. The only part of marijuana that is not benign and will have a huge impact on society, is the production and use of Industrial Hemp. When that happens, and people are free to grow cannabis for food and industrial needs, Society will literally be transformed for the better in so many ways it is countless.

"In the middle of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bore twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22:2

"No.... of course not.You will expect the law enforcement aspect of society to take care of that, as always because that is what is expected of your government and paid for by your tax dollars."

You really don't know me very well.

""Go get those trouble makers and those law breakers and protect us from the negative ramifications of such nefarious individuals that create disharmony amongst us law abiding legal marijuana consuming citizens."
"We have worked hard to make the drug acceptable and all our efforts are being destroyed by the abusers of our noble and decent drug marijuana.""

They and you will never be able to destroy what is eternally good.

"Lets not make comparisons to other drugs and alcohol..lets stay on coarse here with the conduct of many of the marijauna consumers while they are stoned and functioning in a altered mental and physical state."

This seems like a tactic to limit the debate in your favor. All the while you use terms like "drug consumer" in order to relate all substances that you deem are bad into the same category. Comparing and contrasting is part of the debate and part of reality, looks like you are going to have to live with comparisons. Just like I live with your "drug consumers" terminology.

As for the conduct of marijuana users I find they tend to be peaceful people that would like to be left alone, and not lorded over by a bunch of self righteous hypocrits.

"Lets realise the percentages and just how much of a liability the drug consumption entails."

I thought you didn't want to compare all drugs, yet you make no distiction in this statement, therefore comparison, is a logical step toward distinction.

"You seem to want to say that the drug is perfectly acceptable in your mind while ignoring that many people make its consumption a questionable substance by way of their personal conduct while stoned on the substance while interacting with people who are lucid ( not stoned )and well aware that they are interacting with a person who is stoned and fuctioning in an altered mental and physical state."

Way to try to misrepresent my position. Peoples personal conduct is up to their own discernment and temperment which they are responsible for in the final equation. I cannot say who is actually lucid as I am not sure of peoples particular diets or potential mineral and nutrient deficiencies. Perhaps people that exhibit behaviour that you call acting "stoned" are actually nutrient deficient, and the cannabis is merely revealing their said deficiency.

"Sure long as the marijuana consumers are all happy and helpfull and cheerfull and hard working and energetic and don not cause any trouble at all and strive to be part of the team effort then they are and will be accepted and welcomed. Those pot heads that are like that when stoned are a bonus. However lets not try to BS one another here and tell me ALL the pot heads are a bonus to society while the lucid, drug free, non drug consumers should all welcome them with open arms and embrace them because they have been enlightened by their consumption of the drug called marijuana."

Why don't you tell me ALL "lucid"(which carries the connotation that they are bright and glowing, which does not reflect the reality of people who essentially call themselves "non drug consumers" ) people are a bonus to society, despite the fact that they have the potential for evil just like any human being. They are not enlightened because of their delusional stance that they are drug free, and nobody is asking a bunch of delusional people to welcome them with open arms, on the contrary most cannabis users would like to be left alone by people with such delusions.

"he non conusmers are NOT obligated by any means or laws to have to accept the drug consumers new found, drug induced, drug seduced personalities and or their new found drug seduced and drug induced attitudes."

There is nothing "new" about cannabis consumption, it has been going on for thousands of years. I have many friends that do not use cannabis, they get along with those that do just fine, they don't act as if they are morally superior because they know in reality they are not.

"Nor are they obligated to accept a collective mentality that commonly and belligerantly defends the use of the drug they have discovered while experimenting with just how much marijuana they can consume while having to interact with the rest of society."

Nobody is obligated to accept anything in society, and Marijuana was discovered ages ago, and it never destroyed a society in the past. Being incoherent is not unique to Marijuana users, people get confused for all kinds of reasons beyond the scope of drugs in particular. Another ridiculous statement where you are reaching and grasping. For what I don't know. But it is an abject failure.

"Once again...IF everyone of the marijauna consumers were to be a legitimate bonus to society in overwhelming ways that would encourage the rest of society to accept millions and millions of stoned people functioning in a wonderfull socially acceptable way then that would support your arguments for the consumption of the drug."

It is already happening throughout the USA, people are already accepting of legitimate users of Marijuana.

"But that is not the case and all too many of the marijauna consumers are of questionable value and certainly questionable conduct when they are stoned and functioning in a altered mental and physical state that comes with its detriments."

Oh, but it is the case millions of people accept that cannabis use is relatively benign. As far as the supposed detriments, you have yet to point out any real proof other than your own anecdotl statements. Perhaps the people that act as if in an altered state do so merely because their inhibitions are lowered. Perhpas they normally act as such under different circumstance. Again all food alters the physicla and mental state of the being that consumes it, it's call satiation.

"When the marijuan consumers and the POT HEADS start to admit the detrimental aspects of the drug consumption you will find the rest of society slowly begin to further accept the drug consumer as long as they are proven to be more benificial while proving themselves worthy of acceptance including the drug that comes with them."

Not sure what specific detriments you are talking about so I can't comment.

"It is a social issue as much as it is a legal issue so lets assume the drug will be legalised? The big question will be: "How much more of a burden to society will the drug consumer be and what negatives will develope in the new order of liberal legal drug consumption.""

If it all happens as you postulate, "new order of liberal legal drug consumption" then there will be controls and regulations put in place, you can be assured of that. No doubt the punishment will be used selectively and mostly on the lower caste people that cannot protect themselves as easily. Next will be the political victims, and after that anyone else thattries to change the social order or challenges the powers that be.

"I have seen people build their muscles with protein and beat people up.

My answer: I have you to answer for me.Thanks. You more or less answered your own question.
Once again.As we can see there are numerous detrimental substances that have evolved as consumer products and we should take heed and learn well from the exact examples that you give as an argument.
To me and many others it does not make sense to defend the product by comparing it to another negative product while its defence clearly suggests that the other products are a problem so we might as well accept one more problem and later on we will learn just how much of a problem there is.
Sensibilities tell us: Better to be safe than sorry!"

So what you are saying is that protein is a problem? Secondly coffee and chocolate are not negative if used properly. So your counter argument falls flat.

"My answer: Is that your logic?
Do I need to consume marijuana for my well being and or my survival? Not to my knowledge."

Well you don't seem very knowledgeable from your messages so that isn't saying much. People definitely use Marijuana for their well-being as I have explained above.

"When I eat the food that I eat, I "DO NOT" experience a altered mental and physical state LIKE "that" of the drug marijuana."

Well I only experience an altered mental state  when I consume it in enormous amounts. And fortunately I do experience altered physical state when I consume it, because I feel sick otherwise.

"Lets not BS one another here.
The drug is consumed soley for it ability to alter your mental and physical state and the drug creates a strong and overwhelming euphoric condition that commonly immobilises most people to a degree, especially if the dosage is very stong."

Cannabis is not just consumed for the abilities you have laid out, it is a very tasty herb, I know plenty of people that simply love the flavor and generally refrain due to the other effects. Yet if they feel it will help them feel better then they use it for that purpose. When used in small amounts it can have excellent medicinal and culinary uses. I have seen a few people become immobilized as you put it. But have never heard of a single overdose.

"I eat chocolate all the time and I do not experience anything at all like that which the effects of marijauna have on me and anyone."

So you admit that chocolate is a drug, yet you call yourself a "Non drug consumer"

I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning...smells like victory.

"Come on now...that is a very loose and feeble argument and comparison concerning the specific negative side effects to NON EESSENTIAL drug consumption."

That is your narrow perspective, it is very essential to those who would like to feel better, or have a poor appetite. You seem to be pretty poor at proof reading your statements there seem to be alot of mis-spelled words. Did you ever notice how most chocolate candy bars names are mis-spelled, why that's detrimental!

Seriously though everyday foods contain toxins that people don't even know are effecting them, at least you notice the effect of cannabis.

"Your kind of grasping at thin air here looking for something to defend the drug."

I am not grasping at air, food contains drugs and toxins, and the body and mind are effected by those substances, like it or not. Refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup are especially damaging. Everyday "non drug consumers" have those regularly. And don't give the lets stop making comparisons BS, it is what it is. Consuming must be done properly acrossed the board otherwise the effect is toxic.

"Again...lets stick to the facts about the negatives of marijuana consumption and recognise them and take them into account as part of what to expect in relation to its wide spread consumption in a liberal legal marijauna consumption environment."

You still haven't pointed out the "negative" effects that you perceive. other than you nebulous "nefarious characters".

"Once again I will defend that simple observation because I do not consume the drug ( but I did ) and while I do not consume the drug I do not add to any problems that the drug consumption does cause"

You still haven't explained what problems that marijuana causes.

"even as small and insignificant as some of the related problems may be."

yeah, I'm waiting.

"Each negative aspect of the drug consumption has to be recoginsed and it is recognised that the supply of the drug and its consumption creates numerous problems."

The only ones I can think of are due to it being illegal, what are the other ones?

"Legalisation and control of the substance will lessen the problems in SOME aspects of the the drug supply and consumption equation but there will remain numerous problems related to the consumption.
Can society tolerat them and or absorb them?"

You talk of these problems, but you never can be specific, so I can't fully comment.

"Yes we will survive but meantime I know that who ever supplies it and who ever consumes it is recognised as the source of the contention and the source of the problems that have evolved and will continue to evolve."

What problems do you speak of? Be specific.

"We know the alcohol suppliers and the alchol consumers are the basis of the problems related to alcohol consumption.
Take away any and all the laws and regulations and see what will happen."

Now that would be interesting, people might have to finally take responsibility for themselves. And the government would no longer be able to monopolize through licensing.

"I dont drink either so I know I am not personally contributing to the problems and ...Yes...if I wanted too I have the right to sit on top of my throne and point at the people who did create and or cause the problems associated with alcohol consumption.
That has nothing to do with over blown self righteousness and believe me I am NOT a practising puritian.
It not only applies to drug consumption applies to many consumer products and I am as guilty as the rest in my consumption of many products that cause problems for you and me and the whole world population."

From "non drug consumer" to "rabid consumer"

"However, concerning the consumption of the non essential, recreational drugs I can say with confidence that my non consumption of that Particular consumer product is helping to reduce any negative impact on society"

Glad to see you accept responsibility for your actions, but everyone does not have the same reaction as you, it's not all negative for other people.

"where as the consumption of the same substace by other people is further adding to any of the known negatives and will continue as long as consumption continues."

That's where your wrong, and you have provided no evidence to prove otherwise.

You are entitled to your opinion, but so far your statements don't hold water.

"I can admit that my consumption of sugar is all part of the negatives of sugar consumption but I do not argue on behalf of the consumption of that particualr substance and I do not defend the use of the substance.
I am guilty of many things also..but not by way of adding to the problems of drug consumption."

Sugar is a drug.

"No need to join the club...the benifits are not all they are touted to be."

There you go with your chocolate spelling again. I'm personally not joining any club. I have real experience with multiple benefits from the substance you call a "drug" and i call "food" and "medicine" And the effect on my life has been real and transformative, and I still exist thanks in part to the wonderful and beautiful plants God has provided. That everyone should be able to be free from the shackles of ignorrance and tyranny that is the restriction of natural substances. Cannabis is the prime example. The powers that be will seek to control it and destroy its goodness, but they will fail.


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