Re: P&B Cleanse - PTree Need you help please...
Hi, PTree
I have long history of Ulcerative Colitis (5 years). I have beed using fair amount of Psyllium hsk for more than two years. About 8 months before I increased the dose of psyllium and after a month or so I found gray, black, green rubbery stools (almost 6 times a day): this continued for 2 months and then stool got normal color but with a bit pungent oder for about 1 month. Then almost a month ago evry thing got normal but as ulcerative colitis is there so bowl movements (BMs) are 6+ times daily with excessive mucous as well. Plesae not that I has been using those heavy doses (almost 2-3 table spoon) of psyllium husk.
Than I studied about
Bentonite clay liquid. My friend in canada sent me two bottles (1 litre each). Almost 3 weeks ago I started your prescribed formula 1 table spoon
Bentonite + 2 table Spoon Psylium husk. Now even after 3 weeks I have found nothing black or green stuff (which most of people are mentioning here in this site). I am takinh two times a day with almost 4-5 litres of water intake and have 5-6 BMs with normal color and odor but mucus is there (probably due to ulcerative colitis).
I have not found any ohter side effects.
Now I have finsihed one bottle (1 Litre). Please advise me that:
Should I continue with second bottle for next 20 days or so. Or there is a chance that I have colon cleared from all bad stuff. Please tell me I am worried as I have only one bottle left and it is very difficult to get it from Canada once again as I living in Paksitan. Please note that
Bentonite clay liquid I am using is:
Bentonite 1 L - AD-27-04/AD-27-02