Re: Intermittent Water fasting.
Hello bluegreenshimmer,
Intermittent Fasting is (amongst other things) a form of calorie restriction, which has been shown to have beneficial effects on health & longevity. A couple of research scientists I read about a couple of years back, experimented with salamanders and other small life-forms, and found that IF extended their life-span considerably. The scientists followed suit.
As a healing modality IF is not reported to be nearly be efficacious as a protracted fast..........................
"Those who cater to popular fears and prejudices and those without experience, favor short fasts, often a series of them. This plan is also preferred by those who desire to drag a case out as long as possible in order to get more money out of the patient. It is not always easiest and best for the patient to take a series of fasts. In his experiments with salamanders, Morgulis found that a single protracted fast was less injurious than intermittent fasting--a series of short fasts. With exceptions to be noted elsewhere, this is also our experience in fasting men, women and children. It should be known, also, that weak and underweight patients often stand fasting much better than strong and overweight patients.
It has been my experience that in all cases, where the long fast is possible, one long fast is far more effective and more satisfactory than a series of short ones. No plan of feeding between the fasts will accomplish what the fast will do, if continued. The length of the fast must be governed by the patient's condition and by the results obtained."
Hygienic System Vol III
However, the most likely and continuing cause of your skin complaint (after receiving your Hepatitis jab) will be toxemia, as evidenced by its disappearance when fasting (cleansing) and its reappearance when refeeding (inhibited cleansing).
If one long fast is not feasible, I think your best option is to continue with IF but adhere to a strict "raw elimination diet" in between, being careful to combine your foods properly, and ensuring that you do not overeat.
This I think will go a long way in the healing process, and the eradication of your skin condition.