But I forgot to say, as far as the die-off stuff, there are ways to avoid that or at least minimize it so you dont have to cause so much harm to your body. I personally havn't done them or know how, but you can find alot of advice from people on that who know what they are talking about. I think it may have to do woth getting your gut flora and all that in balance or maybe soething like that with probiotics. I'm not positive but it would probably be very wise to look into all that before you go suffering thru what could very likey do major damage to your system like I did. Best of luck!
Grizz, I was reading the SilverEdge website and it says that nebulizing silver is highly experimental and it could be dangerous according to some animal experiments. It suggests using only temporarily such as infections etc.
But as I read you have used for quite a while with no ill effects. Do you have more information about people that use long term for asthma, please.
thank you
Just wondered what you think to this?
Any feedback would be much appreciated. I'm trying to publish this in multiple forums, but get a 'too short post error'.
The blog starts thusly:
Basically, the Evolutionary Health Plan (EHP) consists of a number of ‘suggestions’ that are presented in a bullet point list:
Each suggestion supports an action or method, intended to create an environment more expected by our cells’ three and a half thousand million years’ evolutionary experience. So without further ado, here they are:
Pulmonology is an internal medicine sub-specialty that deals with preventing, diagnosing and treating lung conditions and respiratory tract. Pulmonologist are trained in managing conditions like asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other severe chest infections.
by Tony Isaacs
(Silver Bulletin e-News Magazine) Part 1. COPD, which stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a lung disease characterized by progressive airflow limitations where sufferers of the disease are increasingly unable to take in and absorb enough oxygen. Millions of people suffer from COPD and when it is treated by mainstream medicine, the progression of the disease can be managed and slowed down, but it cannot be completely halted or reversed and the disease will ultimately become fatal. Fortunately for those who look outside mainstream medicine, nature may offer a different outcome.
To see part 1 of this three part series: https://www.utopiasilver.com/addressing-copd-naturally/
To see part 2 of this three part series: https://www.utopiasilver.com/addressing-copd-naturally-part-2/
To see part 3 of this three part series: https://www.utopiasilver.com/addressing-copd-naturally-part-3/
See also:
Use Nature Instead of Drugs to Treat and Relieve Asthma
An Australian medicine man I have been going to for help has highly recommended castor oil packs. He says it is rather strong to take internally, but I think I may try it after your recommendation. I have had recurring issues of parasites, as many have. I do believe the Lord God has created things in our natural environment to help us with these things. I am guilty of taking the stronger pharmaceuticals, but I believe in the end it will be total faith in Him, and natural remedies He's provided which will deliver me.
You know, the holistic medical field is saying that 80-90 percent of cancers are parasitic or fungal. If we can be proactive and prevent cancer with something as simple as castor oil, why not?
Thank you and God bless...
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