It sounds like we're going through the exact same thing!!! I've had it for about 4 months now and at first was putting a lot of trust into my doctor and the gels he would prescribe. They work for about 2 or 3 weeks then it comes back. I've been taking Fem Dophilus and thought at first it was helping but.... it's pretty obvious now that it isn't. I've been thinking about doing the hydrogen peroxide thing but read from different people that it causes yeast infections... I'm scared to douche because of that as well. Drinking lime juice diluted with water and a plain dan active yogurt daily was also something I read and may try. My relationship is going south very quickly and I'm more and more depressed. I know I"m going to lose him if this doesn't get figured out... we'v e only been together 6 months!!! 4 of which we've been dealing with this. If you have found something that is working for you, please let me know.
Thank you,
Direct Current was the "electromedicine" of the early 1900s and was very successful. almost all doctors used DC battery powered devices to treat their patients and electromedicine was taught in the medical schools. Now you can apply DC to any bacterial infection using the combo Microbe Electrifier / DC Electrifier that Bioelectric sells. Read the studies of DC effectiveness at
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