Every Mass Shooting in the Past 20 Years has One Thing in Common – and It’s Not Guns
by Barbara Minton
See all TBYIL articles by Barbara Minton
(The Best Years in Life) In a move to further gut the Second Amendment and assure that only criminals and the government will have guns, President Obama has unveiled his new gun control plans as he continues to call for reducing the number of guns in spite of our Constitutionally guaranteed right to own them and the will of the Congress which has rejected his anti-gun programs. What he continues to ignore is that most mass shootings are the province of Big Pharma, makers of SSRI drugs that encourage suicide and mass killings. To reduce the mayhem, it isn't guns which should be curtailed - it is SSRIs.
Read More: http://www.tbyil.com/Mass_Shootings_Have_One_Thing_in_Common_Barbara_Minton.htm
Received this e-mail from my sister, edited for personal details:
X has been suffering with stress anxiety depression for several months now an don't seem to be improving. What r the best meds with the least side effects to take for a short time to help him a bit? Is lithium any good? He needs something to lift his moods. Any suggestions. Hopin to take him to docs this week.
For some context, my reply was the following:
Lithium is prescribed for bi-polar, and has some side-effects. All other depression meds have side effects, some (if not most) quite serious. That doesn't mean that nothing can be done. Look at some of the threads here:
It also helps to identify the root cause. For example, is he still smoking weed? If so, tell him to quit immediately. It's a well known cause of psychoses. Seriously messes up your brain chemistry, and you don't do that without paying a heavy price. He's prob. got some serious detoxing to do, one way or another.
If he's serious about getting better, one of the best ways is fasting, but that requires fantastic self-discipline, and not everybody can manage it. M/time, he can do a lot to help himself. Proper sleep, exercise, a good diet low in refined carbs but high in fruit, veg., protein and good fats, all help. And tell him to stay well clear of the friggin' weed, or else abandon any hope of ever getting better.
I'll send some more info under separate cover, and probably start a thread for him on curezone later on. He should get some useful advice from experts who know better than me.
So, over to said experts in the wider curzone community. Any other ideas or suggestions out there please?
I think you may have it backwards. I definately wouldn't give him meds. Look how many have commited suicide while on meds.
There is such a thing as choosing the right strain of cannibus. CBD strains are the medical strains. They eliminate the high, at least most of it.
Thanks for the response InCharge. It gives me the opportunity to clarify a couple of points.
Something may have been lost in translation here, but I am most emphatically NOT advocating lamestream meds for depression. I am actually trying to dissuade my sister from even considering them coz of the numerous of often serious side-effects. And yes, that includes death by suicide, not to mention being implicated in the US in mass shootings perpetrated by those under the influence of psychotropic drugs.
As for cannabis, the therapeutic use and value of CBD Oil (the active ingredient) taken orally for specific ailments is not in question. Smoking the stuff over prolonged periods for recreational purposes, whether medical grade or not, is.
I should also add that the bi-polar disorder diagnosis is not yet confirmed. He exhibits some mild symptoms of the disorder, but his main problem appears to be anxiety and stress-induced depression. Removal of the root cause of his stress (which I believe is mainly down to money and work issues) will probably go a long way to curing his condition.
The question then boils down to what natural coping mechanisms he can turn to for relief for his condition without resorting to 'standard care'?
For what it's worth, I include here advice received from a good friend, just in case others who are similarly afflicted find it helpful:
The problem is always the same. Drugs…..lithium batteries. So that’s covered.
If people who screw up their body don’t want to get to the root cause of their condition then it is almost a non-starter. And I gather as it's your sis who is asking she is possibly more concerned than your nef.
Anyway one routine which is supposed to help with depression is early rise and daily skin rubs with a strong brush or loofa (until skin goes bright red). And check the vitamin D as he might be in need of sunlight. Also very physical activities help as does less time on blue light emitting screens before bed.
But all this is complex as the root cause could be psychological too. Issues at work, or relationship, money worries, gambling, electrosensitivity. Count your lucky stars that you are as interested in health as I am. If it doesn’t save you it at least empowers ya.
Thank you very much refreshed. Yes, I do my best to help those I love. Isn't that one of the main driving forces that makes life worthwhile and worth the living?
Those links look both interesting and very helpful, and I'm sure mom is taking note. I've linked her into the thread so she can follow the discussion.
Thanks again for taking the time & trouble to contribute some excellent ideas.
Live long and prosper, and may you avoid The Donald Trap.......err, sorry, Trump.
Received this useful info from the friend mentioned above, which hopefully might benefit others as well:
Negative ion Generators:
1. Studies show high levels of negative ions can be as effective at treating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) as commonly prescribed antidepressants (obviously discuss any medication changes with your doctor).
2. Improved energy levels and focus. Research at the University of California showed negative ions normalize serotonin levels in the brain, potentially improving a person’s positive outlook and mood.
3. Better sleep. A French study found using negative ionizers could help you to sleep better. This is once again due to their positive effects in normalizing serotonin production in the brain.
The killer was having hallucinations and he was on meds. I skimmed the Current Psychiatry journal and there are no meds that will help cognitive dysfunction for schizophrenia and psychiatrists don't know how to treat hallucinations long term.
"Although cognitive dysfunction is a leading cause of disability in schizophrenia, no treatments are approved for this condition. Numerous novel-mechanism and nonpharmaceutical modalities are actively being studied for this difficult-to-treat problem, however—offering hope to patients."
In addition to cognitive dysfunction, Psychiatrists are not sure how to treat hallucinations. The editor of "Current Psychiatry" explains how giving drugs to a psychotic patient can help only if the drugs are never discontinued. If the patient stops the drugs, brain tissue is destroyed and their psychosis worsens and they may never get the psychosis under control. Did the killer stop taking his meds?
Also, when someone overdoses on anti-psychotic meds and anti-depressants, they have delirium and psychosis.
So why are these drugs not being questioned? I am thinking Psychiatrists don't know all the effects of these drugs(particularly long term) so they must not reveal just how little they know.
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