Iam absolutely desperete in a hospital in Kenya. My husband got first infected troath, then he made nasal wash(destiled water, soda bicarbonate, hymalayan salt) then he got terible sinus infection and then very bad ear infection which resulted in broken ear drum. This all hepend in one week. Then we decided on the end go to hospital and he got zinat antibiotics and he was also eating many ibuprophens and declofens as the pain was terible. He also got voltaren injdction. On the second day after starting to use the antibiotics, His face hands and body started to swell and he could not relese urine. He started to vomit. We went to differnt doctor who had more comon sense and made full blod test, urine and kidney( Albumin was 27.7, total protein was 59.47, creatinine was 203.81, wbc count was 13.1) he said that painkillers efected some gland in kidney and it is blocked. He started to give him antibiotics into vain(meron). They also load him with infusion after which he more swell as he could not pee. From there he was send to kidney specialist who diagnosed him with post infectious glomerulonephritis and he started to also get Lasex to relese urine, adalat 60 for blod preasure and some xethro antiestamine. By now he started to pee more, yesterday 750ml while he drunk approx 500ml. Today he even feels beeter and peeing even more, the swelling is going away althoug there is still a lot of water in the body(he had 10kg. more then he normaly has) he also got into vain human albumin. He is also eating homepatic(mercurius) echiancea, milk thistle, bufferd vit c 3000mg which is made of calcium ascorbate and has citrus bioflavonoids and rose hips and acerola powder and yesterday I gave him organic chlorela with broken cell wals. Today he feels much better, the ear doctor said the broken ear will heal and prescribe him the same antibiotics he is getting into vain also as ear drops. The kidney doctor came and said his creatinine is 195 and he would like to give him methylprednisolon(solumdrol) in order to speed up healing. Please help what to do? I have feeling that most of this problems where caused by too many pain killers but it can also be some agresive staph. Iam not sure if it has something wit it but whichever smal cut on my hands get so infected and fils wit pus and tak a month or more to heal. It gets so bad that even the bone under is painful. Iam not sure if it is mrsa or impetigo. Also my wbc is only 2000. I Am very scared, especialy being here in Kenya. I belive he should not take the steroids, please please can somebody help? We cant fly back to europe becouze of the water in his lungs, we live in kenya on the coast 5 years. Here is a lot of mold, dust parasites and very humid. As soon my husband is better we plan to move back to europe. I am sorry for mistakes i try to write fast as we need to make ddcdsion about taking the steroids.
Thank you so much for any help
please see all the posts I did above and look at all the links as I feel it is maybe the most comprehensive info for kidneys on here see specifically the link ending with 63
(here it is) http://curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1224263#i
I am sorry but I am preparing for cancer surgery and have very limited time to type.
I did want to say that taking a lot of anti inflammatory drugs is why my mom's kidneys were destroyed so drugs like ibuprofen often do a lot more than that good.
By googling around the internet you should find some antiflammatory foods and herbs to take instead of NSAID drugs like Motrin. ibuprofen etc Turmeric is a good one (antiinflammatory herb/food) For best results take an organic tincture of turmeric but if you don't have that than opt for this common spice in any form even if not organic, You have to use what you have available and Dr Schulze who cured many and now uses organic herbs did not have these available much during the time he had his clinic and used ones grown or conventional. One could get turmeric at an India market or grocery and blend it with water or powder it and take it in food or something.
As far as infections and natural antibiotics these help with bacterial, viral, protozoan and fungal infections. Take one or more of those if needed
1 raw garlic at least 3 or more cloves a day (more is better)
2 organic olive leaf tincture 60 drops 3 times day
3 grapefruit seed extract- as directed on label
4 colloidal silver -as directed (short term)
5 oil of oregano (such as organol) as directed
where you go to the link I posted earlier (ending in 63) you can find info on parsley root and many diuretic herbs etc which should help him pee more and with water swelling. a study showed that when given enough parsley root is equal to the drug lasix for swelling and edema..some places might have it in their produce department. add in some parsley leaves if you have it..can be made into a tincture, tea, juiced and eaten.
Diuretic herbs are ones that make you pee more and in addition to my big thread, a Google search should turn up some that are locally available. It is best to use organic or wildcrafted but is not find what you can and it is best taken as a tincture (;liquid form) but if you can't find, a tea preferably made with distilled water which releases more of the healing chemicals than other water is preferred but again try to get the best water they have there.
The water on the lungs concerns me and makes me wonder i you should follow doctors advice as someone I was helping would not do anything I said and he collapsed due to water on lungs, his son revived him with cayenne as I taught and they rushed him to the hospital when the doctor convinced him to do dialysis. Note-I am not a doctor and cannot really advise you beyond what I wrote in the thread below
Maybe some parasite herbals might be of help to you along with one or more of the 5 agents I listed above..maybe some echinacea or astagalus organic tincture to help you build your immune system and some immune boosting foods like the Asian mushrooms I mention in the big thread (#3 and 4)
http://curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1224263#i read it all but at least through # 17 this one and the one after it may also be of help
Also do not forget to pray
I Also suggest going to raw food or mostly raw food like produce (fruits/veggies) perhaps raw nuts and seeds and sprouts and a lot of juicing -green juices
from Newsmax.com
Baking Soda Could Stop Kidney Disease
A daily dose of baking soda, the common kitchen staple used for cooking, cleaning, and treating indigestion, could dramatically slow the progression of disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. British scientists say the white powder, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is so effective that it could spare patients from having to undergo dialysis.
“It's amazing,” said study leader Magdi Yaqoob, renal medicine professor at the Royal College of London. “This is the first randomized controlled study of its kind. Baking soda is not classed as a drug so this study has never been tried before.”
Researchers studied 134 patients with kidney disease. One group received a small dose of sodium bicarbonate in addition to their regular care. The patients were followed for one year. At the end of the study, only 9 percent of the group taking baking soda showed a rapid progression of their disease, compared with 45 percent of those who did not.
In addition, those taking baking soda were much less likely to progress to end-stage renal disease and require dialysis. In fact, the rate of their decline in kidney function was similar to the normal decline seen with aging.
“A simple remedy like sodium bicarbonate, when used appropriately, can be very effective,” Yaqoob said.
According to Yaqoob, baking soda prevents inflammation in kidneys by limiting the production of ammonia.
“This study shows baking soda can be useful for people with kidney failure,” Yaqoob said. “This cheap and simple strategy also improves patients’ nutritional well-being and has the potential to improve quality of life and of course a clinical outcome that can remove the need for dialysis.”
I like your avatar , but your math has me scratching my head. It looks like you took the 9% from one group and added it to 45% from the other group to come up with 54%. I think what the figures show is that 91% of the group that took baking soda did not have a rapid progression of their disease, while 55% of the control group who did not take baking soda did not have a rapid progression of their disease.
All the best,
I personally do not take baking soda and am no authority on the subject, but I note that the study referred to only gave a small dose (a single tablet) daily to the group that had the good results. I wonder if the results might have been even better with a bit higher amount? Of course, don't overdo it!
See: http://www.news-medical.net/news/20090902/Study-reveals-that-baking-soda-bene...
if you go to my big thread on kidney disease, I mention the juices good for the kidney throughout the thread most of them are in the first half of the thread (before #20) although the post on schulze (at last dr schulze..) has a juice he used for this
Parsely root, dandelion greens, watermelon and wheat grass are musts
Hello everyone and sorry for my english. I have question. I'm 18 year boy n i have big problem. My body odor smell like urine. I remember i was 14 year when it started. It was first day at school. When i sit with my classmate he told me omg bro what bad smell is this ? P.S i had wash morning. I told him idk. But i smelled the whole room smell like urine. I came back at home wash. Next day still smell. I check my kidneys my blood my UTI doctor told me u don't smell!!! But my classmates always talking about me. Once it was summer i weight 90 kg. I was on diet after 2 month i was 66 but i was still on the diet i don't bread meat and other ... . I back at school and smell was really good. Omg god really smell finally goes away ? But idk it was becouse id eating. After i started eat bread meat and other smell is back !!! I think i have tmau but idk it's my opinion. What can u tall me people about my hell ? What can i do to found paradise? I like one girl but i can't touch her becouse.. finally when i wear whool i can smell only chest area. Maybe i'm not sweating but still smell! Bad is i can't smell please help me !!! Sorry for my english
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