Thanks so much for your valuable feedback, Archus. I was told to flush with salt water 5x/day after the extractions by the dentist even though I instinctively knew that it wasn't right during a water fast. I was also rinsing with H2o2 so I'll just stick with that instead. I'm seeing the BM change as I go along in my fast so I'm watching for improvements as an indicator of when to end it. I never did an enema during a Water Fast per Shelton but I think you're right since I'm going so often. I'll Try EFT to help release some of the stored traumas but if you have other suggestions I'd be grateful for that. I usually do a Liver Flush after the fast. I've done a kidney flush about a month ago and will do another one along with a Colon Cleanse afterwards. Been always om mostly protein and veggies but since kidney and liver issues came up I'll stick to plant based as you suggested. It's been almost a year since I used olive leaf and Iodine but I've used Oregano oil on and off during that time so I'll use all 3 afterwards and also baking soda for the kidneys. Thanks again for all the feedback and the encouragement, much appreciated!