Internal Hearing & Aura Consolidation 19 y
Wow, esoteric though it sounds it works- archer pose will be posted later
My experience of the radiant body is that it is a consolidating extention of
the aura. It is the more substantive golden light that surrounds the aura
and gives us a feeling of solid presence and protection.
Aura sets can be used to cultivate the radiant body and there are some of
these sets in all of my manuals. The more active, energizing sets that move
a lot create an activation of the radiant body. Archer pose is very good.
However, the most important thing is your awareness. The radiant body is
consolidated through feeling awareness and through listening. Listening
m ... read more
Parasites and Forgiveness 19 y
Zappers and Yoga? How the yogi takes care of the elements of expression of parasites
--from ”Prakruti” by Robert Svoboda
Each of us maintains separateness from other living beings for as long as Nature permits us to remain alive. Nature gives us the space bounded by the skin and the digestive tract to call our own. Every thing outside the skin is part of the environment. You are a part of my environment, and I am a part of your environment. Nature is the sum total of all individuals and their environments.
Inside your digestive tract is material which was originally part of your environment. Once it had its own separate existence, its own individuality; ... read more
Flesh Eating 19 y
Do we really want to eat our fuzzy friends? How many Americans would stop eating flesh altogether if they had to butcher the fleah they ate? I'd bet not as many as eat flesh without thinking now!
At AR2005 in Los Angeles, Matt Ball and Jack Norris were inducted into the U.S. Animal Rights Hall of Fame, joining previous inductees Cleveland Amory, Gene and Lorri Bauston, Howard Lyman, Ingrid Newkirk, Peter Singer, and Henry Spira. The following is Matt’s acceptance text, which is taken from A Meaningful Life; Jack’s speech will be presented later.
Some of you might be wondering why Jack and I are listed together. Isn’t that cheating? I’d have to say our election to the Hall of Fame is recognition of the efforts of Vegan Outreach, and not for one or two people. Obviously, with th ... read more
Mind-Heart Integration 19 y
Manifesting Your Heart's Desires
by Susan M. Castle
Subscribe-It's FREE and Invaluable!
The Mind-Heart Integration
Can you remember a time in your life when you felt so
peaceful, calm, and serene that time felt like it was at
a stand still?
Maybe you were watching a sunset, engaged in your
favorite hobby, holding a new puppy, sailing the harbor,
riding your bike down a hill or swimming with dolphins...
You know the feeling I am referring to!
It’s in those moments that time just stands still, and a
renewed sense of freedom and deep inner peace abounds.
Suddenly, you feel bigger than life... an expansiveness
comes over you.
You become embraced by your own ... read more
Heal Thyself 19 y
You are the arbiteur of your present and future- will you allow your past to predict your future? It's ENTIRELY (Not if your father wasn't who he was, Not if you had more money, Not if others would quit being who they are to you, Not if only...ANYTHING-!!!)You are the One who decides...And watch the signs-you are being guided....just take note/
Put Your Hound Dog Out of His Misery
(Avoiding the 7 Rabbits of Highly Defective Hound Dogs)
Roger Reece
”You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog, just a’cryin’ all the time.” Who hasn’t heard Elvis belt out that rock and roll classic, but did you ever consider the hidden meaning behind those words? Clearly this was a song about the long-term effects of a negative attitude, and the hidden implication is, ”put your hound dog out of his misery!”
The Hound Dog Effect
A negative attitude has a way of giving your face and body a whole new look. I call it ”the hound dog effect.” Your ey ... read more
You are God Inspired 19 y
Inspiration Occurs in the Moment-If you feel inspired then you know you are living in the Now! "Yeah, Baby~ Do I make you Horny? Randy?" Whoops that's an altogether different topic, although that is another "in the moment" experience....Hmmmmm?
’Be the light that others come to with their ideas, visions and dreams. Never doubt that blending your talents with those of others can change the world.’
’Always choose the path that moves in the direction of your dreams. Though your journey may be filled with many winding roads, when you are inspired to follow your dreams, you eventually find success, and discover it is less about the destination and more about the manner in which you traveled.’
’This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do tod ... read more
"Clearing" for Unlimited Bounty 19 y
Well I do believe Paul Bauer uses this technique in his software program "Creating Abundance" for removal of blocks to unlimited bounty in life. You were made to have all you want on this are the expression of God...I like his style better~ I higly recommend his software to keep your Divine Nature on the High Road~ Any idiot can find things wrong with the World~It takes Inspiration and Brains to see the Good!
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique
Meridians - Qi Pathways
What is EFT?
EFT Tapping Chart
Recent Discussions
Release Emotions With EFT
Stress. Anxiety. Guilt. Pain. Sadness. Trauma. These feelings and emotions are all part of our human existence. At times, however, one or more of these can become negative emotions and can block our ability to live life fully. We may find ourselves repeating patterns in relationships, with career choices, or with physical ailments, feeling stuck in situations that appear to be beyond our control.
We now have a simple but powerful ... read more
Visualization for Release 19 y
Another way to circulate the energy before releasing it- I like this one best, because it addresses my grounding issue- and I usually use the crown chakra for my white shower. I like this idea of a more gentle body dispersal- and I have seen the fireworks that this one speaks of...Yes it is good.
Sat Nam,
My teacher GuruJivan taught me a very useful visualisation technique
to harness kundalini energy which I use at the end of each asana in
a kriya, meditation and pranayam practice. As you inhale visualise
that you are drawing the kundalini energy up your spine, each chakra
at a time to the crown chakra. On the exhale visualise the kundalini
being floating out into your aura (in my minds eye I see this as
golden and white light like that of a firework dissipating). Allow
the energy to filter down and and then draw it back in to the first
chakra and take up the spine throu ... read more
More on Too much Energy 19 y
So this is another way to dissapate Kundalini energy, I channel right back up my spine-BUT often I forget down the spine (to groud) this is pretty important and I have been up in the clouds at times when hooked into earth might have better suited the occasion~ no one is on all the time...
Something that has not been addressed yet.
When you feel the volume is becoming too loud. Take a moment to integrate
the new energy. How do you integrate it? By allowing it all the space that
it needs. Don’t attempt to contain this energy. Let it flow through you.
Become transparent to all that is: the flow of air in the room, for
instance. Imagine the air going through your skin, your flesh, your bones;
imagine the light doing the same; imagine the sounds of the music you are
playing doing the same. Whatever works to give total freedom to your
internal state to flow where it nee ... read more
Energetic Overload? 19 y
There may be times in a yogins practice when they enter the energetic flow- (YIPEEE) to some this manifestation of their spiritual connection is frightening- It is different- They react by trying to close off the Kundalini Energy- which may cause a few more problems- this explanation of How to be With Release of KY in the Body is the best one I've heard. The trick here is to accept the change and shift your frame of reference accepting and loving instead of wondering why you are not the same! Progress! "Why be unhappy about something if it can be remedied? And what is the use of being unhappy about something if it cannot be remedied?" - Shantideva, Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life
There have been a few times and periods in my practice
when I assumed that the volume was getting too loud.
I let my practice move into a yin phase, sleeping and
laying in savasana to absord and integrate the changes
in my consciousness without resistance.
The key to moving beyond this stage is to realize that
the kundalini energy is not something large, imposing,
dangerous and other that you are drawing from some
mysterious place beyond you. It is the future of your
heart, your own wisdom unfolding you. It is
WONDERFUL! You don’t need to fear it at all. You
just change yo ... read more
Teaching 19 y
Yogi Bhajan explains, in his ineffable way, the meaning of Teacher
What it Means to be a Teacher
To teach Kundalini Yoga, ask whatever can you teach. Right? Do you know the oath we take as teachers of Kundalini Yoga? What? Yes. Let us do this. Listen to this. Try to understand. You are doing something.
”I’m not a woman, I’m not a man,
I’m not a person, I’m not myself.
I am a teacher.”
You know that? ”I’m not a woman, I’m not a man, I’m not a person, I’m not myself. I’m a teacher.” This concept is to purify the channel and bring the heavens through you. Then you cl ... read more
Spectroscopic Healing Meditations 19 y
Grounding and clearing ~ the Earth Way
Spectroscopic Healing Meditations
The meditation used here is to obtain a positive focus to transmute and free any unwanted slow frequency energy forces. That collect within your inner and outer auric space, the auric space which most people call the aura, encompasses the body in the shape of an oval. The oval that surrounds your body should be even in shape, and it should spread out to about one metre equidistantly. The outer auric space that is the buffer zone, lies beyond that. This zone usually prevents negative energies and energy interference entering your auric space, unless you ar ... read more
Holding the Space of The Garden 19 y
The Garden of Eden is an metaphor for the Space you Garden in your Mind~ The metaphors for "holding the space, Creating from Nothing, Garden of Eden. Over and Over in Sacred Texts the garden is a metaphor for the tending of the metaphysical mind
Holding a Space for Your Truth
By Guru Rattana, Ph.D.
Creating our inner space is an on-going aspect of life. Our inner space is what makes it possible to feel stable, whole and content. May the words below inspire and guide you to nurture and hold the space for your truth.
Holding a space within is about alignment.
In this case, doing nothing is doing something very special.
We clear our internal space so that we can line up
with the universe
with our higher self
with the forces of nature
with the most advantageous possibilities.
Potentially everything is possible.
... read more
Yoga of Life 19 y
When you are Happy, you have learned your greatest good and therefore, the meaning of Life
”Whenever we avoid our prosperity issues
we reject our own hidden abundance”
- Dr. Joseph Dremer
What Drives Prosperity Problems?
Many of us are driven by the fear of ”not having enough”. Today,
we’re going to look deeper into this issue that most of us are
not even aware of, and how to deal with it.
Until we understand this issue and make peace with it (integrate
it), we will ”spin our wheels” and get caught up on the ”scarcity
merry go round”. We experience the ”scarcity merry go round” as
a push/pull, have/have not ”tug of war”.
Like an addiction, when mo ... read more
Chaturanga Dandasana 19 y
I love this position my back is very flexible and the upward facing dog is one of my specialities -it comes easily....And I like the upper arm work...
Chaturanga Dandasana
Chaturanga Dandasana
Barry Stone
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How to Practice Cooling Breath
Chaturanga Dandasana
Four Limbed Staff Pose - Chaturanga Dandasana
From Ann Pizer,
Your Guide to Yoga.
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Type of pose: Arm balance
Benefits: Strengthens the arms, wrists and abdomen. Preparation for more challenging arms balances.
Chaturanga is like a push-up, and as such is a great arm strengthener. It is part of the ... read more
Cool Down with Breath 19 y
This one works, and while I have a process that my body enjoys going through with anger that appeals to me~This particular breath works also...
Breathing Exercise (Pranayama) - Sitali (Tongue Hissing)
This exercise is also one of the basic breathing exercises. The breathing technique Sitali refers to the sound caused when air is drawn in through the protruding tongue folded into a tube.
Sitali (Tongue hissing)
During inhalation, curl up both edges of the tongue so that it forms a kind of tube. Breathe in through this tube. During inhalation the air passes over the moist tongue, cooling down and refreshing the throat. In order to be sure that the tongue remains moist, roll it back as far as possible against the pal ... read more
Yogi Bhajan On KY 19 y
Here is an interview with Yogi Bhajan on Kundalini
Question: He doesn’t consider himself an expert yogi. He just mentioned
that he heard Kundalini Yoga is a very dangerous type of yoga. Could you
explain a little more?
Answer. Ask him why he is practicing all the
Hatha Yoga Postures. What is the purpose of Hatha yoga? The purpose of
Hatha Yoga is to raise the awareness. It is a technology to bring the
apana and prana, the moon and sun powers, together to raise the
consciousness through the central equilibrium line. In other words, its
stated aim is to raise the Kundalini. That is the purpose of Hatha Yoga.
The problem is that it ... read more
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