Yoga Path
by munificent
Page 3 of 23

The Call to Birth/Bring Forth   19 y  
OR How do I particpate in the Flow of the Divine for Self Expression and Authenticity.
Aligning with Authentic Self Expression and The Divine Within? There is much talk of resonance and vibrating attraction, but not much about the authentic nature of self that produces such alignment. The shadows we all carry and the light that is Us as the divine. The balance and the Integration of the Human Spirit. To identify the Divine, the energies and Unity of the male and female within must work in peace and harmony. The community you belong to and serve must be integrated with the larger community. And the Earth as she revolves in the larger must work in harmony (and peace?) w ...   read more

Transformation   19 y  
A poem entitled Transformation by J Corson Miller illuminating lifetimes of incarnate love from the youth of desire to the maturity of gentle acceptance
Transformation J. Corson Miller LOVE, we have dipped Life’s humble bread Into the stars’ flame-bubbling springs; We’ve knelt before the Moon’s white face, While around us whirred Night’s purple wings. Love, we have trod the floors of Morn, 5 And watched Dawn’s reeling galleons die; The sunset’s panoramic hills— Love, we have known them, you and I. Upon the battlements of Time We stood and heard Life’s thunders roar: 10 A million ticking years that swelled The crashing notes of millions more. Our hearts have germinated sweet To beauty through each ...   read more

Catholic Mystic, Priest Teilhard de Chardin   19 y  
More on Telihard de Chardin by Anodea Judith, the chakra healer
Teilhard de Chardin, Catholic Priest and Mystic 1881 - 19555 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a visionary French Jesuit, paleontologist, biologist, and philosopher, who spent the bulk of his life trying to integrate religious experience with natural science, most specifically Christian theology with theories of evolution. In this endeavor he became absolutely enthralled with the possibilities for humankind, which he saw as heading for an exciting convergence of systems, an ”Omega point” where the coalescence of consciousness will lead us to a new state of peace and planetary unity. Long ...   read more

Evolutionary Nature of Love   19 y  
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a priest and mystic that "saw" the essential nature of the Universe and Man (1881-1955)
On Our Divine Nature and Gratitude All around us, to right and left, in front and behind, above and below, we have only to go a little beyond the frontier of sensible appearances in order to see the divine welling up and showing through. But it is not only close to us, in front of us, that the divine presence has revealed itself. It has sprung up universally, and we find ourselves so surrounded and transfixed by it, that there is no room left to fall down and adore it, even within ourselves. By means of all created things, without exception, the divine assails us, penetrates us and mou ...   read more

What is a Chakra, Anyway?   19 y  
Here is a brief explanation of how your health is supported by atmospheric energies coupled with your internal ability to access these energies. Your "bad" or "good" neighborhood of thought determine the level of access. Adel Davis of "You are what you Eat"-Turns Out, You can eat all raw and do yoga, swim in the cold water, and if you're in the "bad" neighborhood -Baby, "You are What you Think"! Go have a Steak Tartar, cuz' if you're vibrating in low thoughts you will not be well with a thousand smooties, liver flushes, colon cleanses-The TRUTH lies in the Heart and Mind-The Body is the By-Product!
What’s a Chakra? Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or vortex, and it refers to each of the seven energy centers of which our consciousness, our energy system, is composed. These chakras, or energy centers, function as pumps or valves, regulating the flow of energy through our energy system. The functioning of the chakras reflects decisions we make concerning how we choose to respond to conditions in our life. We open and close these valves when we decide what to think, and what to feel, and through which perceptual filter we choose to experience the world around us. The cha ...   read more

What is a Chakra, Anyway?   19 y  
Here is a brief explaination of how your health is supported by atmospheric energies AND your "bad" or "good" neighborhood of thought-and How that "bad" neighborhood affects your Health. Adel of "You are what you Eat"-Turns Out, You can eat all raw and do yoga, swim in the cold water, and if you're in the "bad" neighborhood -Baby, "You are What you Think"! Go have a Steak Tartar, cuz' Baby if you're vibrating in low thoughts you will not be well with a thousand smooties, liver flushes, colon cleanses-The Poop's in the Heart nad Mind-The Body is the By-Product!
What’s a Chakra? Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or vortex, and it refers to each of the seven energy centers of which our consciousness, our energy system, is composed. These chakras, or energy centers, function as pumps or valves, regulating the flow of energy through our energy system. The functioning of the chakras reflects decisions we make concerning how we choose to respond to conditions in our life. We open and close these valves when we decide what to think, and what to feel, and through which perceptual filter we choose to experience the world around us. The cha ...   read more

Healer- Martin Bronfman, PHD   19 y  
The act of healing is the act of acceptance and love.
Learn Healing Techniques-Martin Bronfman PHD The Body Mirror System is a technique, a method, a set of tools which anyone can use. These tools allow you to explore the relationship between your body, your consciousness, and your life, and to study the inner attitudes which have been shown to encourage the healing process. The techniques are so simple that even children have been taught to use them. There are no secret symbols, and nothing to join. This system of healing developed by Martin Brofman, Ph.D. is a synthesis of Western psychology and Eastern philosophies based on the chakr ...   read more

No Yoga?   19 y  
From time to time I stray from strict yoga information. But more and more I feel the Yoga of Life-The Oneness of all our "doings"! The Integration of how we live, in conjuction (and alignment?!)with what we Believe. My earlier post about the condition of our bays and oceans got me hyped up on the purity of the ecological system! TO which we also belong!
Me and My Hybrid By OLIVER SACKS DRILLING for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is not only an attack on what little remains of this country’s wild places; it makes no sense in terms of numbers. We do not know how much oil lies beneath the refuge - at best, it has been estimated, it will fuel our gas-hungry culture for only a few years - but we can easily calculate what a few simple conservation methods would achieve. Fuel cells and a hydrogen economy being still some way in the future, I recently traded in my Lexus 300 ES sedan for a six-cylinder Honda Accord hybrid. My ...   read more

More on Love   19 y  
Prayer/Affirmation for Today and Everyday!
With the Eyes Of Spirit I see God in all People and Experiences. I hold MYself and Others in the Light of Unconditionl Love. That Light reflects Back to Me through All People. I am Healed of all judgement, and resentment. I am loving, whole, and free in the presence of All People. I Am Blessed with Peace. SAT Nam! And So It Is! Have a great 150% Day!   visit the page

Tantric Numerology   19 y  
What have you been working on through the Ages?- What are your strengths and weakness? Click on the Link and find out!
Another Cold Water Blog So I will not be swimming today. It rained for the last two days, this means no matter how I crave the ”aliveness” of cold water swimming-it is TOO Dangerous to do so. All the storm drains empty into the ocean and bay and we as humans have created such a toxic land situation the runoff makes our waters too polluted to swim in after a rain. HELLO! In fact, the rule of thumb is to wait 3 days after a rain! HELLO! This year it has been tricky to find 3 days without a rain! Onward and upward! I did the Tantric Numerology for myself at this site. No huge su ...   read more

Shushmanaa   19 y  
Warrior's Exercise for Opening the Energy into the Shushmanaa & Balancing the Hemispheres of the Brain
Warrior’s Exercise for Opening the Energy into the Shushmanaa & Balancing the Hemispheres of the Brain Mudra: Stretch arms out to the sides, parallel to the ground. Make palms flat, facing forward, and the fingers spread wide apart. The muscles of the body should hold the weight of the arms, to perform the exercise. This position is your base. Movement: Keeping the palms flat, fingers spread apart the whole time, begin the following movement: (a) Raise your arms up directly over your head, criss-crossing them at the wrists, left palm in front, right behind. They actually sho ...   read more

Your 10 Bodies   19 y  
What are you doing on Earth? We are here to recognize Ourselves -Nothing More. Electromagnetic fields or "bodies" that vibrate you through your day and can subtly discern your life's purpose. Once you have your purpose you will resonate with that energy and heal!
What are you doing on Earth? We are here to recognize Ourselves -Nothing More. Yogi Bhajan Your ten bodies are your God-given, powerful capacities as a human being. They allow you to be joyfully creative, obedient to your higher consciousness, and to see the spirit in everyone. 1. The SOUL body: The core essence of one’s consciousness. The part of you which is infinite and undying. 2. The NEGATIVE mental body: The protective function of the mind which is sensitive to dangers and warns us of them. 3. The POSITIVE mental body: The positive, solution oriented part of the mind. 4. The ...   read more

Electromagnetic Cell Phone Fields   19 y  
Are certain frequencies harmful to human electromagnetic fields?
You like me are probably already somewhat aware of electromagnetic pollution from all our electronic devices from computers, TV’s , cordless phones etc. etc. This past month out of more concern for my wife, children and myself I have been doing more and more research on this hot topic and the evidence is alarming. Fortunately there are solutions. Please read on... The worst culprit is the cell phone. Blake Levitt, author of Electromagnetic Fields, says that when it comes to cellphones, ’a worse frequency could not have been chosen for the human anatomy.’ British milita ...   read more

Be a Future Walker   19 y  
Acquiring insight into the future.
THE MEDITATION DHRIB DHRISTI LOCHINA KARMA KRIYA: Acquiring insight into the future. It is possible to master this meditation in a short period of time - possibly even one sitting or regular practice.. SIT IN EASY POSE (SUKASANA) - with FRONTAL GAZE (BHRUMADHYA-DRISHTI) MEDITATION TIME:: 15 Minutes, 31minutes or 1 1/2 hours. Come into Easy Pose with Frontal gaze (frontal gaze - the attention is focused at the third or single eye (ajna chakra) at the root of the nose between the eyebrows. Do not stare but gaze gently. The single or third eye at the sun cent ...   read more

Nabhi Kriya-Chi Activation   19 y  
Now that you know "How To Contemplate Thy Navel" Here's how to be a person of action in the matter of your survival as a Happy, Healthy, and Holy Person.
Nabhi Kriya to Set the Navel Center The following set NABHI KRIYA was taught by Yogi Bhajan in 1971 and remains one of the classical sets to set the navel center. Nabhi Kriya - Navel Power Taught by Yogi Bhajan June 1971 (A) Lie on your back, arms by your side, palms down. Or hands under your buttocks to protect the small of your back. The small of the back is remain touching the floor during these exercises. Placing the hands under the buttocks helps make this possible. Inhale as you lift your right leg up to 90 deg. or perpendicular to the ground. Exhale as you lower it. I ...   read more

Not for Sissies   19 y  
KY when practiced with a Yogi Bhajans it is a yoga of action-male energy-and discipline. But at the heart of the matter the discipline was strict but the result produced was a devotee that was able to accept and give love. More on the navel point and anger-where do we hold anger? Work that Belly Button, Baby
Opening the Heart Center When Yogi Bhajan came to the West and Los Angeles in 1969, the strengthening and balancing of the navel point was one of the main focuses of his classes. His yogic message was that in order to get and stay in the heart center we first had to cultivate a powerful and stable base or the ”lower triangle.” The lower triangle is the lower three chakras - root, sex and navel. The major theme of my first book Transitions of the Heart-Centered World (1988) is how to build the lower triangle as a base for moving into the heart chakra. It is interesting to look back an ...   read more

Contemplating your BellyButton   19 y  
The navel point is the activator of the charkra system-it is the point of the awakening of Chi and stimulates the pineal gland when activated by breath work.
Where is the Navel Center? In the very early Kundalini lessons taught by Yogi Bhajan, he said that the navel center is actually approximately 2-3 inches below the umbilicus. In these lessons, therefore, when we say navel center we are referring to a point 2-3 inches below the belly button. This is the center of energy that is the gravity balance point in the body. When we pump our navel energy or move from our navel center we are actually pumping and moving from a center where thousands of nerves come together. Each person can find this center in their own body by doing the Kundalini ...   read more

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This site will address many of the types and benefits of yoga and to their practitioners more...

Last Activity: 27 mon ago
396 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
126 Comments   Last comment 27 mon ago

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Created: 19 y   Mar 07 2005


J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
Free S&H.Restore lost reserves.J.CROW’S®Lugol’s Iodine Solut...

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Comments (10 of 126):
Re: I swear to God… nono 16 y
Re: Rescind Recomm… popoe 16 y
Re: Grandaddy of H… popoe 16 y
Edited naturehasallcures 17 y
Where are the Baba… jeleq… 18 y
As I always said- … 9thbo… 18 y
There is a lot of … Kermi… 18 y
This is so correct… kermi… 18 y
Cool! 9thbody 18 y
Thank you for bein… 9thbo… 18 y
All Comments (126)

Blogs by munificent (10):
Cold Water Blog  18 y  (269)
Quantum Intelligensia  18 y  (267)
Spirit of Money, Financial Fl…  18 y  (249)
Leadership  18 y  (67)
BaBaGee Blog  18 y  (16)
Breathwork  19 y  (16)
Desire  18 y  (5)
Sacred Sex  18 y  (4)
Apothegm  18 y  (3)
Breathwork for wholeness  19 y  (3)

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