Great Power Healer
GuruDev 19 y
GuruDev is a great healer...Remote or go to him. He has a thick Italian accent and a lovely sense of humor...Great Power Healer
Golden milk contains the magical ingredient TUMERIC!
see below for a great recipe from the Earth Clinic Website:
Gurudev Khar Khalsa, a Sat Nam Rasayan healer and Kundalini Yoga
teacher in Los Angeles sent us this Ayurvedic tea for lubricating the
joints. Gurudev tells us that the almond oil is a very important part
of this recipe. Turmeric is called ”the internal healer” in Ayurveda.
Turmeric is also a blood purifier and is best known for its ability
to help the female reproductive organs. Some research indicates that
turmeric may be of value in preventing diabetes and cance ... read more
Ayurvedic Medicine
Knee Pain 19 y
Ayurvedic Medicine considers the whole human, their temperature of temperament, body type, area of difficulties, and more...This fellow has knee pain- ego and pride-wonder what hip pain indicates?
Sat Nam Mark!
I am glad you are getting it ”checked out” medically, I believe that’s
important to rule out any physical condition. There are many changes you can make in
your practice to alleviate the pain. Remember to always send love and
acceptance to any area of your body that seems to be crying out. Love is our highest
form of Prana! You could sit on a chair to practice, bolster your knee until
it feels comfortable, or do more kriyas that involve standing. On an emotional
level knees represent ego and pride, an inability to bend, inflexibility, and
fear. Kundalini Yoga brings u ... read more
Beautiful Buddha Pic 19 y
Lovely Buddha, a pictorial of Beloved Buddha
Mystisicm/Gnosis/Steiner 19 y
Mysticism is a very subjective I think, but in the end as all paths lead to the same One
The Path of Initiation
The Path to the true realization of Self
These thoughts are creative thoughts in the life of the soul because human beings are destined in the future to become what they regard themselves to be. This is something that had to come about during the course of wisely guided world evolution so that the human being might really attain to a full and free consciousness of self. One aspect is that the gods had to give the human being the possibility of becoming his own creation. The other ... read more
I am UP but.... 19 y
I could not find my glasses...looked everywhere even in the bed, (I have been known to fall asleep with them in my hand!) They're in the bathroom, where I left them when Steve suggested I shower yesterday rather than a 3am this morning...
It took me 10 minutes to find my glasses, and I am brewing coffee...andit is clear this time is not my normal for regularity...
But I found my glasses and when nature calls (sometime during sadhana, if regular) then I will answer. I am doing a lot of answering lately!
So I will pee and go get the car and head to the beautiful San Diego Zoo...where across the street will be a house with a door that is open with a Dr., a lawyer ,a development director, and a family all starting chants very soon...
Oh dear I can hear in the background some young adults, down at the bay, still up fro ... read more
Sun enters Virgo 19 y
Virgo new Moon and Your Soul Path...The Turbaned One is a talented interperter of the Astrological movements and their affect on our auric fields. She uses the energetic tides of the universe to mend what ails us, and strengthen what is weak and master what is already strong within US. Ancient teachings that have been passed on for thousands of years.
The SUN enters VIRGO harvest time August 22 at 5:46 PM PDT, August 23 at 12:46 AM GMT. The Virgo Harvest ends September 22.
The VIRGO NEW MOON is September 3 at 11:46 AM PDT (6:46 PM GMT).
The PISCES FULL MOON is September 17 at 7:01 PM PDT and September 18 at 2:01 AM GMT.
MARS is in TAURUS July 28th through February 17th
New Moons are always a time to add another dimension to the area of life that is brought into focus. This New Moon will be particularity potent. Pluto turns direct the day before the New Moon, after being retrograd ... read more
Being Beautiful 19 y
This is a really beautiful article, Kinda SOM meets Yoga
Being VS Being Human
from Eddie Traversa
Spiritual Enlightenment Essay
You have taken yourself to be something that you are not.
- Sri Nisargadatta Mahara
Each is loved unconditionally, unequivocally, eternally. Because I love each unconditionally there can never be mistakes. I do not care what you have done or what you are about to do. You are loved regardless of any action, any thought or any emotion, no matter how bad you imagine them to be. You cannot escape from love try though you might. Allow yourself to bathe in the radiant light that is “I” for that is all existence. ... read more
Sex & Kundalini 19 y
Sihks (Kundalini teachers and practicers) are very family oriented. We have a early morning Sadhana group near The San Diego Zoo...4am sharp~ the head male is a very loving and inclusive individual and the door is always open_that is when I show up there, there is nor reason to knock and I can open the door and walk right in- Anytime...He knew Yogi Bhajan well, and he hosts Guru Dev (the great healer) while he is in San Diego. It is a lively household! Relax and all will be provided as it shall be..any fears just prolong the idiocy! Hehehe
So much good input on this topic/concern. I’ll just add to it.
1- Guru Gobind Singh said that Celibacy was having only one wife (or
This may seem sort of funny at first glance but it does speak to the
importance being a householder in the Sikh/Yogic approach to LIFE.
Sikhs are not re-nunciates (Nuns).
2- It’s been mentioned that Yogiji said that men should not ejaculate
more than once a month. The way I heard it is if a man cannot
”transmute” his sexua| energy than he should not have sex (w/
ejaculation) more than once a month.
The Taoists speak also of the seasons ... read more
Maeve Binchy says: 19 y
Who is Maeve Binchy I wonder
”The whole art of life is knowing the right time to say things.”
-Maeve Binchy
visit the page
Self Realization Class 19 y
An SRF Minsiter will teach balance, mediation, and the are of intution.
I have been involved with Self Realization for 15 years. I learned to meditate here, learned to be a vegetarian, learned to love spirituality, and learned God was Me
But had a couple other opinions quite recently...Generally they are a very giving helpful organization.
Rapid Advancement Through Deep Introspection
Saturday October 29 2005
8:30am- 4:00pm
The Art and Science of Introspection
Parmahansa Yogananda said that one of the secrets of spiritual progress is self analysis. If we can glean where we are, glean what is holding us back and determin where we want to go, NO ... read more
Rumi 19 y
Rumi the Sufi, what a crack up he can be...I love his poetry and his thoughts
With Passion Pray
With Passion Make Love
With Passion eat and drink and Dance and Play (yes!)
Why look like a Dead Fish
In this Ocean
Why indeed?!
9th visit the page
Pic's of Golden Temple, India 19 y
Places of Peace and Power, this is short since I am inspired to go back "home" to Self Realization Fellowship to meditate this morning- I need the feel of my mother's etheric arms cradling me as if I am a new born Babe
Beauty beauty the Sihk’s lived with terrible Beauty on Earth.
Here is another shot from the lake of the Golden Temple: visit the page
The Golden Temple 19 y
Place of Peace and Power- There is such tremendous beauty and Quietude in the Sacred. Peace is the feeling of relaxing into the body with complete trust that no harm can befall One. In 2006 I have created the India Experience for myself...To go study with Kundalini Masters, to pick up some great clothing and yoga gear, have my site up and running to sell my Indian treasures to create a second source of cash flow.
I am often asked what my favorite sacred places are in the world, among the many hundreds I have visited. I could not choose one in particular, but included in the top ten would certainly be the Golden Temple. It is a place of both stupendous beauty and sublime peacefulness. Originally a small lake in the midst of a quiet forest, the site has been a meditation retreat for wandering mendicants and sages since deep antiquity. The Buddha is known to have spent time at this place in contemplation.Two thousand years after Buddha’s time, another philosopher-saint came to live and meditate by ... read more
Strengthen Energy Bodies 19 y
Maha Mudra, strengthing the magnetic field and the energetic bodies from unwanted/unintended intrusion
Maha Mudra is often performed in a set of 3 mudras and bandhas. These are
often better learned from a teacher. Suspending the breath with a lock needs to
be approached with some respect. That said...on my website I have a link to
Mudras and Bandhas and Maha Mudra, Maha Bandha, and Maha Vedha are all explained.
Maha Mudra has been used to awaken Kundalini and obtain the power of Siddhis.
It is usually not taken on as a practice out of curiosity.
Blessings in Divine Grace!
Guru Ravi
Maha Mudra
Sit on the left heel, stretch the right leg forward and grab the big toe with the righ ... read more
World Peace & Yoga 19 y
Well it is not secret that the Yoga Path brings up plenty of garbage, but the Joy of the Path is that 1. garbage is recognized and loved 2. You have the choice to move through the position, and heal-or not. So how does that affect Peace on earth-?
Yoga and World Peace
By Megan McDonough
© 2003 Megan McDonough
Last week my husband and I went to war with each other. It was nothing as dramatic as a divorce or separation; just a commonplace marital spat with intense emotion behind it. It all started with what should have been a joyous occasion: a trip to the maternity ward to visit a nephew and his wife who had just given birth to their new son.
After holding the baby and congratulating the parents, my husband went on to rib my nephew who had gained some weight. Women know that it is absolutely taboo to tell another woman how mu ... read more
12 Steps 19 y
As you may have gleaned this is an ongoing conversation in our Kundalini Teachers "group". More on addictions and higher power
To Seattle Sue and All,
While there are many ways of overcoming addictions, I will mention again the 12 Step Programs.
These are spiritual programs which allow a power greater than ourselves to effect a psychic
change which allows us to live free of addiction. If you would like more information, write to me directly.
Be in Love (not lust!)
visit the page
Turbaned One; Addicted Feelings 19 y
BabyPose (which is not all that comfortable for me)is a space to fold in on oneself and experience the FEELINGS of self love and healing-It holds us to ourselves while we experience "what's so" for us.
Sat Nam,
Thank you Sat Sangeet for sharing about how you connected with your deepest
urges to eat and how you used your will to break the cycle. It is very
important for everyone to know that we have to connect to yourselves and ALL
our feelings and instincts to shift patterns and rechannel our energy to
serve us, instead of sabotage us.
Often we think that if we just do yoga everything will be different. Well,
a daily KY practice certainly helps align our energies, but the inner work
of staying focused on ourselves to create shifts has to be part of our
Including ... read more
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