I called the company of what was labled "Organic" juice blend. Cranberry/ blueberry. Reading the label it also said and natural flavors.
I called and was told it was propietary to the blend so they couldn't tell me what the natural flavors were..
Organic doesn't organic any more
hi. plz help.... i had a garlic burn through which i got dark marks on my cheeks and i used lightening creams but the dark marks came back again then i found that potato was good in treating hyperpigmentation and its true potato fade the hyperpigmentation which is hardly visble now but the problem is that the skin around the dark marks has lightened infact during the second week of potato application the skin around my dark marks peeled off and it became white :( is it permanent? how much time it will take to even my skin tone?
Yes you might give the liver flush a try, it helps for a lot of different problems.
Here is an example:
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