Egg yolks are high in arachidonic acid which contributes to inflammation. Found this by Dr. Sears on a quick google search:
"there are some fats you want to restrict in your diet. These are saturated fats, trans fats and (AA) arachidonic acid. I consider these to be really "bad" fats. Arachidonic acids are found primarily in fatty red meats, egg yolks and organ meats. This particular polyunsaturaed fat may be the most dangerous fat know when consumed in excess and is known as an Omega 6 fat. In fact, you can inject virtually every type of fat (even saturated fat and cholesterol) into rabbits and nothing happens. However, if you inject (AA) arachidonic acid into the same rabbits they are dead within three minutes. The human body needs "some" arachidonic acid, but too much can be toxic."