Ever since we started to potentiate therapies with dmso we are seeing far greater responses.
Recent succes is a Florida client who was doing ascorbate infusions, naltrexo with ALA, and then mineral citrates.
He was doing 3x week 50,000 mg. His smudge cells went from 3% to 70% in six months which is good prognostic indicator. Smudge cells are very weak in inferior leukemia cells.
His CEA tracked lower and cell counts bounced all around but tracked lower overall. Cell counts do not tell you if cells are dead or alive.
He started to show oxidative stress upon red cells so we added catylase enzyme and that went away. (lysis, ovalcytes)
His lactic acid wasn't correlating with his uric acid but we feel the smudge cells were lysing upon freezing and spilling.
He was becoming impatient having pic line for 6 months.
So we added medical grade injectable DMSO and after just three applications he spike 103 fever.
His doctor fear pic line infection and sepsis but we have seen this before. In the ER his potassium was very elevated and uric acid had small increase so we felt he was lysing white cells, cancer cells, and cancerous bone marrow.
He was admitted with fear of sepsis but docs were great.
He refused tylenol and wanted his fever to stay high. We convinced him to take the antibiotics out of safety concerns just in case.
ARE YOU SITTING DOWN? His white cell count dropped over 30k points in just 48 hours. His red cell count decreased and we felt it was due to hemorhage in the bone marrow, but that stablized and he was discharged after three days.
Now five days later, No growth on blood and pic line cultures so it wasn't infection.
These people are so grateful and were crying from the hospital when they saw the white cell count dive.
Doctors were resistant to call it die off. My client was strong and in their face. Refused chemo therapy and today we is restarting the infusions.
God is so Great!
Take care.
Bret Peirce
American Cancer Advocates
You haven't mentioned seeing an oncologist for your condition. They are the ones who will correctly diagnose multiple myeloma and do it through extensive blood tests and even a bone marrow biopsy.
I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma a couple of years ago and it was confirmed through a biopsy of the bone marrow using my hip bone. My multiple myeloma has progressed and I am now being treated with chemotherapy and I have blood tests done on a weekly basis which provides current and up to date status of its condition. In my blood tests they test for about 30 different conditions including red and white blood cell counts along with hemoglobin and many, many other factors.
I have no cysts or tumors on or in my body.
Multiple myeloma is something that you cannot self diagnose.
"Chemo works for a time but as the cancer progresses, it weakens the body so that it cannot recover."
Simply not true. When it comes to multiple myeloma it stops the progression of the cancer. I've been doing chemo now for about three months and am stronger than I was before I started chemo and my blood markers have improved considerably.
I've looked at and used alternative methods for even during my time with multiple myeloma and all they have done is made me ill with no change in my markers at all.
"I do my research - so should you."
I have significantly researched multiple myeloma and have all of the information that you have listed in your post - plus a great deal more. The majority of people who get MM are over 65, and males are diagnosed at about a ratio of two to one over females. I'm in my eighties and male.
Stem cell transplant as a cure is mostly for younger people - and that's not an option for me. In fact the kind of care that I'm receiving can extend a person's life for quite a long time all by itself. My objective is not an extension of life per se, but treatment that will allow me to live a more normal life. Currently I have received both benefits and negatives from the chemotherapy and the negatives are simply a part of the process.
The biggest obstacle to cancer treatment that I've experienced for myself and from what I've seen in others is fear. Unless you are in immediate danger of bodily harm or death, fear is irrational. Fear has its benefits, but to live in fear is not only irrational but physically damaging as well.
I've practiced daily meditation of an hour or more for over thirty years and I have spiritual techniques for healing my chakras and energy system which I use a lot. Were it not for my meditation practice I would literally have been dead a long time ago. We are each an eternal spirit and while we would all like to live to 120 it simply doesn't work out that way. Each body is our school house and I continue to learn in my Planet Earth experience on a daily basis.
I'm a twenty plus year prostate cancer survivor and refused medical intervention at the time (its way over done). I'm also a five year and two year lung cancer survivor with a malignant cancer taken along with a lobe on my right side and another malignancy taken from my left side. My blood oxygen levels are normal. My experience in all of that is assisting me now.
"I am almost certain I have myeloma."
Multiple myeloma is diagnosed with a bone marrow biopsy - and lab tests. (Yes, they stick a needle directly into a bone and into the marrow.) You cannot self diagnose multiple myeloma. Cysts/tumors are not a part of state one multiple myeloma. IF you have MM your CBC would not be normal by any stretch of the imagination.
From what you have written you do not have multiple myeloma. No way. If your CBC is normal, then that's a direction you no longer need to pursue. MM diagnosis begins with a high white blood cell count.
There is absolutely no connection between MM and diet. What you may be discovering is that you are diabetic. Again, the only way to determine a connection between diabetes/blood sugar and what you eat is with a blood sugar tester. If your blood sugar level two hours after eating is below 70, then you have low blood sugar. If it is over 150 or even over 120, you are diabetic.
If you search the Internet you will find that there are sites where a good blood sugar tester is free and it generally comes with 5 to 10 test strips. Where they make their money is in the future test strips you buy unless - you learn you really are diabetic and then your insurance will cover a good portion of the strips. You may have to stretch the truth a bit to get your free meter (I have a couple) but the end result is what you're after.
Bumps, lumps, cysts, etc. I know nothing about. If you had a medical evaluation of your CBC what was their determination regarding the cysts?
Your story brings tears to my eyes and reminds me of why it is important to continue my research and writing on this subject. The fact that your Grandmother got better when she left the house is a strong indicator the house plays a significant role in her health problems.
I'll come right out and say it. Yes! I believe the house is the problem. All the health problems your relatives suffered from can be attributable to the mold problem in the home. If the building materials affected by the mold were not removed, the mold problem was not dealt with properly. Every health symptom you mentioned points to a toxic mold exposure.
Call in a reputable professional mold testing company to test the house. Be sure they send the samples in to a good lab, where the report tells you what species of mold, at what levels. Then you will have verification of the mold problem. This will explain all the symptoms you all have, and are, experiencing.
Feel free to email me.
Thanks for posting - that is a really good article which I agree with wholeheartedly. It also ties in with an article I wrote for Natural News:
"New study: Radiation treatments create cancer cells 30 times more potent than regular cancer cells"
As a heads up: The author of the above article, Sayer Ji, will be our special guest on the The Best Years in Life Radio Show in two weeks (June 27th).
Next week will feature Brent Peirce, the founder of American Cancer Advocates and frequent contributer here at CureZone as PatientAdvocate.
For more information about the show:
My oncologist is in complete agreement with this study and recommends it as part of his treatment. Main stream medicine might finally be coming around to the same view.
A scientist in the United Kingdom has found that compounds derived from marijuana can kill cancerous cells found in people with leukemia, a form of cancer that is expected to cause an estimated 24,000 deaths in the United States this year.
"Cannabinoids have a complex action; it hits a number of important processes that cancers need to survive," study author Dr. Wai Liu, an oncologist at the University of London's St. George medical school, told The Huffington Post. "For that reason, it has really good potential over other drugs that only have one function. I am impressed by its activity profile, and feel it has a great future, especially if used with standard chemotherapies."
Liu's study was recently published in the journal Anticancer Research. It was supported by funding from GW Pharmaceuticals, which already makes a cannabis-derived drug used to treat spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis.
The study looked at the effects of six different non-psychoactive cannabinoids -- compounds derived from marijuana that do not cause the "high" associated with its THC ingredient -- when applied alone, and in combination, to leukemia cells. Cannabinoids displayed a "diverse range of therapeutic qualities" that "target and switch off" pathways that allow cancers to grow, Liu told U.S. News & World Report.
In an interview with The Huffington Post, Liu stressed that that his research was built around the testing of the six purified cannabinoid forms -- not traditional cannabis oil, which Liu described as "crude" in comparison and generally containing 80-100 different cannabinoids. "We do not really know which are the ones that will be anticancer and those that may be harmful," Liu said.
During the study, Liu and his team grew leukemia cells in a lab and cultured them with increasing doses of the six pure cannabinoids, both individually and in combination with each other. His study says the six cannabinoids were CBD (Cannabidiol), CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid), CBG (Cannbigerol), CBGA (Cannabigerolic acid), CBGV (Cannabigevarin) and CBGVA (Cannabigevaric acid). Liu and his team then assessed the viability of the leukemia cells and determined whether or not the cannabinoids destroyed the cells or stopped them from growing.
Although promising, Liu also said that it remains unclear if the cannabinoid treatment would work on the 200-plus existing types of cancer.
"Cancer is an umbrella term for a range of diseases that fundamentally differ in their cellular makeup, [and] which occur as a result of disturbances to growth controls," Liu said. "Chemotherapy works by disrupting these dysfunctional growth signals. Therefore, any cancers that have these profiles should respond to the chemotherapy. It just so happens that a number of cannabinoids can target these very same mechanisms that make cancer what it is, and so any cancer that exhibits these faults should respond well to cannabinoids. The flip side is, of course, that other cancers may not have these same genetic faults and so cannabinoids may not work as well."
According to the Centers for Disease Control, 7.6 million people die from various forms of cancer each year worldwide.
When asked if smoking marijuana has the same or similar effects as ingesting the pure cannabinoid compounds he studied, Liu said he thinks it's unlikely.
"Smoking cannabis introduces a number of potential problems," Liu said. "First, the complex makeup of cannabis that contains about 80 bioactive substances means that the desired anticancer effect may be lost because these compounds may interfere with each other. Second, we see that delivering the drug either by injection or by a tablet would ensure the most effective doses are given. Smoking would be variable, and indeed the heat of the burning may actually destroy the useful nature of the compounds."
In 2012, researchers at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco found that CBD (cannbidiol), a non-toxic, non-psychoactive chemical compound found in the cannabis plant, could stop metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer.
The National Cancer Institute has also funded some research into cannabis and cancer, including a 2012 study that looked at the effects cannabis compounds have on slowing the progression of breast cancer, spokesman Michael Miller told U.S. News and World Report. However NCI has not funded research on the effects of cannabinoids on leukemia.
Liu stressed that much work is still needed, and said that finding support for marijuana-derived medicines can be polarizing.
"Although there is much promise, I struggle to find enough support to drive this work on," Liu said. "The mention of cannabinoids can polarize the public, who understandably link cannabis smoking with cannabis-derived drugs."
Liu told the Seattle PI's Pot Blog that he hopes to start clinical trials involving humans in 12 to 18 months.
Thank you for the direction to the group. I did find them after I made this post but they seem to be more oriented to the smoked variety which I want to avoid. I'm looking specifically for hemp oil solutions and will get some locally and begin my experimentation within the next few days.
Also in searching this out I have found that you can legally purchase hemp oil without the THC in it and have seen excellent testimonials on that alone. I have some of that on order but do wish to get the oil that includes the THC.
"There are some other good things you can do. High doses of C has to be done via IV or using liposomal vitamin C, also would add curcumin - also encapsulated [liposomal ] If you need or want the recipes for both please contact me and will provide them to you."
Where is the documentation/testimonials that this has worked for multiple myeloma?
Thanks. I have used Curcumin in the past with no noticeable improvements.
I haven't stood idly by. I do believe that hemp oil with or without THC is my best route.
If you search the Internet regarding hemp oil your will find that it is a significant cancer fighter.
As I said - have used curcumin without any benefits.
It is easy to go off in different directions at the same time which produces confusing or no results. I have made up my mind to get hemp oil as it has many benefits besides a potential cancer cure. I will be seeing my oncologist tomorrow and will get a prescription for the kind with THC. My state (Washington) allows medical marijuana when you have a prescription from a doctor and purchase it in a medical marijuana shop which are locally established.
Will eventually follow up to share my results.
I am interested in your opinion about a couple of practitioners. I ran across someone called Walter Last. He has a few books: Overcoming Cancer, Healing Foods, etc.
Also am interested in the Budwig Protocol. Can anyone comment on these. I am fighting with Multiple Myeloma.
Thanks for any comments
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Posted: 10/25/2013 12:23 pm EDT