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Re: Why can't I get diagnosis? (I think I have near end stage myeloma)

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JesichasHope Views: 4,802
Published: 12 y
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Re: Why can't I get diagnosis? (I think I have near end stage myeloma)

I do my research - so should you. My job is to research and know what works and what does not. People want to know the truth. Here is the truth about myeloma.
For Multiple Myeloma regarding chemotherapy:
"Chemotherapy — In most people, chemotherapy partially controls multiple myeloma; rarely, chemotherapy leads to complete remission."
You may want to look into stem cell transplant, seen to offer some hope.
Initially chemotherapy does seem to work and does slow the progression. If that is the case right now, you are in a plateau stage; however this stage is temporary and the cancer will again start to progress. The stage can last for 6 months or more. It is all individual as to the length.

At present MM remains incurable. "Although MM remains incurable, several drug therapies are valuable in the treatment of patients with MM, as are autologous stem cell transplantation, radiation, and surgical care in certain cases."

The more drugs used, and the progress slowed, the cancer remains. A recent study found fucoidan, a polysaccharide found in brown seaweed may have an effect on MM. Although one must remember if you have any sensitivity to seafood or iodine, this may not be a possibility for you. But this may give something promising to those that tolerate it.

Chemotherapy for all cancer is ineffective short term and long term. It causes side effects that turn into long term or what is known as late effects. Secondary cancers appear, other conditions appear, heart disease, lung disease, liver disease,diabetes II - all secondary to the initial chemo. Some doctors argue it is not caused by the chemo, that these conditions would have presented themselves no matter, that it all the patient's fault. But oddly those that refuse treatment, do not see these late term effects. Are healthier and live longer than their counterparts. Facts are most people will die of the treatment before the cancer itself.

Alternative treatments are mostly sought after the cutting, the poisoning and burning occurs. Of course it is reasonable to say an already compromised body will have more difficulties in overcoming the cancer using Alternative treatments, however, even under those circumstances there is a better result overall using alternative vs conventional, where the conventional can only give you a few extra years, and alternative can give years or decades of cancer free life. There all exceptions to all treatments, but the odds are better with alternative than conventional. Whole body hyperthermia is widely used for MM and the BX Antitoxin has been used successfully. Both are explained in more detail on our site.
- clink on treatment resources.

It's all about choices, and which treatments you use. Chemo does work for a short time, but chemo destroys the immune system, that weakens the body. Eventually, the body will succumb. Studies have shown and proven this. This is true.



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