I realize I just posted a few weeks ago on here and it was kind of the same type post, but I need more ideas! Nothing is improving, and my decay is accelerating. :(
I am almost certain I have myeloma. I think it may have began from either high risk hpv I was exposed to (and never diagnosed for, they refused to biopsy) or perhaps testicular cysts which became cancerous. or if not, perhaps advanced lymes disease/ms or some kind of EXTREME
parasite overgrowth from a weak immune system of some sort. (even though my cbc does not show a damn thing. heh.)
I have Bone cysts (tumors?) all over my joints. They seem to increase in pain daily and in size. Yet, I just got another blood test CBC (complete blood count). It was completely NORMAL!! It doesn't make sense!!! They just laugh at me and think I'm a psych case (even with tumor/cysts? such pricks!) I need to do something, everything, ANYTHING, like NOW! but what?!?!
currently I am doing so much for my health but nothing is getting better. Maybe someone could add some ideas or suggestions? Even ideas for what to tell er docs to try and get a diagnosis would be helpful. I am decaying so rapidly. heh.
My day:
- I wake up and make some green tea. (i add
Black-Walnut ,
Wormwood , and clove tinctures to it. (clarkia anti-
parasite herbs) I also take doses of those all through the day.
- Then I make some honey + cinnamon or honey+tumeric (honey anti cancer protocol) to go with it.
- Next I take 11 tablespoons (first of four doses a day) of MSM (pure organic sulpher) along with 1000-2000mg of the lyphospheric vit.c (this is the high absorption kind which is supposed to be 100% absorbed vs. the normal kind.)
- Then I take my first (of three daily doses) of the kelmun protocol of maple syrup+baking soda. (http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer02/Kelmun.html)
- Then I eat something. usually some vegetables and nuts (almonds, cucumbers, kale,
Celery , walnuts, carrots, cabbage, romaine)
- Then I take my next dose of msm (2nd of 4 daily doses from this protocol
with another 1000 mg of vitamin c)
- I constantly drink purified water all day long.
- With my 2nd meal (usually last) I eat something filling. Sometimes some fish or chicken or maybe some rice + beans to go with cooked vegetables. In addition I take my multivitamin and several other supplements. Usually l-lysine, magnesium citrate, a concentrated drop of Vitamin.D (2000ui) and sometimes several other things like grapeseed extract and others. Also a drop of
Lugol's Iodine in addition to a pinch or two of realsalt (which has trace minerals hopefully good for bones?)
- I also sit in the sun for at least 30min to an hour a day.
- I have also been incorporating Coq10 enzyme to take throughout the day as well. I take about 3-4 pills a day which is about 800mg.
- I also have been incorporating bosweillia extract which is supposed to be excellent for inflammation and also against myeloma.
I notice NO CHANGE in symptoms. My rate of decay is escallating.
I have been messaging cancertutor people who have told me I need to incorporate all of the dirt cheap protocols
and also add a frequency generator to fight anything this severe to kill off microbes. They recommend the photon genius but its 25k!! THere is also the cheaper m.o.p.a. which is still 5k and I just read about the genie which is I guess 3000. I can't get this. At least not yet. My financial aid for college is my only source of income (of which I won't recieve for another month) and my family won't help me because they won't believe anything is wrong since I cannot get a diagnosis. (They have been this way for the past 10 years when my symptoms first started.)
I guess I need to look into starting on dmso protocols with mms but I don't know if that will help either. heh.
anyway, I'm only 31. and my organ function tests and blood levels are mostly normal! can't i become some part of a test experimental treatment study or something and get help? I feel like I would have a great chance of being successfully treated with an elaborate photon type treatment with all the advanced protocols given my age and lack of extreme organ decay (and the fact I've had no chemo or radiation or anything). I sent emails to the ed skillington institute but they didn't seem to respond. What should I do?! I am still breathing now and have energy (some) left. I want to live what can I do?! I want a diagnosis I guess that is what I need but I'm exhausted going through er and demanding help to no avail. Plus I feel like they will just kill me faster with x-rays and bad medications. (and kill my will to live with their disbelief)
I apoligize for the desperation in this message but... I don't know how else to compose myself. I need help so bad and no one will believe me or do anything... and the things I'm doing don't seem to be nearly enough :( I have pretty much lost all hope...even though I still fight. heh. my back is in so much pain and I just noticed some cysts over my shoulder bones I believe :( I'm so near the end it seems, but my tests show that I am healthy. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. what to do? this is like the absolute worst way to die ever. to have no one believe you. no tests show anything. and to keep decaying rapidly. :/ what did i ever do to deserve this. dying of some horrific disease is bad enough, but dying and having no support, not from doctors, not from my family. no help, no treatment, nothing at all? NO ONE should have to die like this.
thanks for any ideas