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Why can't I get diagnosis? (I think I have near end stage myeloma)
  Views: 5,506
Published: 12 y

Why can't I get diagnosis? (I think I have near end stage myeloma)

I have cysts/tumors all over my body. In just about every joint now, I have a protrusion bone spur looking growth (usually following a minor injury or inflammation to that joint). I realize this is usually the end stage of blood cancer or a leukemia type cancer which ends up attacking the bone marrow (from my research).

Over the years, my CBC has always been for the most part normal. Low vitamin d here, elevated calcium there, (only sometimes. I know this is a warning sign) but lowered calcium other times. I've had several different things like elevated eosinophils and other random strangenesses but overall my tests are normal. They won't diagnose me. I also have food allergies across the board now and gluten particularly cripples me.

I am hoping I have smoe kind of degenerative auto immune condition or something instead of cancer because that seems easier to treat with more hope. These growths ache so much it is a pain to walk/drive and even type now. cysts/tumors are everywhere. I researched that a blood serum-calcium test is the best to detect bone marrow cancer (myeloma) although I'm not sure where I read that. I have had the test which showed neglible results (like always! gah).

I just want/need a diagnosis before the end.

What tests do I need to get done? I have growths on just about every joint. I've had x-rays and even an mri. Endless blood tests, but I gues they are the wrong ones

thanks for any ideas. I would love to try the recommended cesium-chloride protocol, but... My digestive system is so ruined that I am pretty sure I have necrotic intestines or growths there too, which I understand renders you incapable to use that treatment :(

is there anything else thats effective? can I try the cesium anyways if I'm careful? Maybe lower dosages?

I wanted to also try ozone, oleander, shark cartilage (maybe), coral calcium (maybe?), Colloidal Silver and incorporate various dirt cheap protocols such as honey+bakingsoda/etc. I feel I'm near the end and it's way too late, but I still have to try whatever I can right? Overall, I am not nauseus or tired all the time... which seems unusual. I just have severe joint pain (upon using joints) and growths. Any other ideas what this might be if not myeloma/cancer? sclerosis maybe? maybe just RA?

Thanks for ideas and reading.... as always, I wrote way too much. heh. thanks.



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