I'm a newbie to this website and was operating under the assumption that it is non-commercial. I don't think that any of the products or services I've come across while browsing are in any way harmful, but...if you consult a surgeon, (s)he'll recommend surgery, an herbalist, herbs and so on. Each to her area of expertise...I think I've figured out which forums will provide me with unbiased feedback..and I don't think that differentiating between commercial & non-commercial forums will be detrimental to the vendor/healers at all. They are providing a valuable service(information) with their products. If I determine that I actually need what they're offering, that's fine. I just want the intentions/interests of those I am communicating with to be clear.
I do think that this website is an incredibly valuable resource and I'm thrilled that I found it. My life is changing for the better.