I highly suggest to stay away from any foods that you have food allergies to. Your body is fighting to hard when eating what you body is telling you it doesnt want.
After you get the candida overgrowth under control your leaky gut will start to heal and then your food allergies most likly will go away.
You really should try to start eating a healthier diet not only for your candida but for over all health I am trying to eat better myself.
I do not crave the sweets anymore ONLY around a certain time of the month being a lady if you know what I mean!
Good luck and God Bless.
I wanted to just mention that I am still selling Threelac for wholesale price of $49.95. I also have the Oxygen for $20.00 a bottle or $65.00 for the pair together.
I just have tried not to advertise so people dont get the wrong idea from me. But I am here if you need me please email me Knew2stock@aol.com