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Re: distance varies with excitement level.
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Published: 21 y
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Re: distance varies with excitement level.


But, seriously, yes you have a point.

What I'm gettnig to grips with is that my "addiction" to sex suffers from the obvious of diminishing returns - ie I have been caught in the spiral of wanting sex, and ultimately found it less satisfying than I wanted. So what have I done? Had more sex and more ejaculations etc - and so the spiral down has continued.

I've faced up to it, though, and recognise there is a lot than can be improved - and that is now my goal - constant improvement!

Making love last night with a 48 hour rest period prior to it energised me somewhat more than normal. I can see such improvements continuing as I change my behaviour and concentrate on less sex but better quality - last night was good - and totally unplanned.

As I am aware of my wish to improve "my" orgasm, I used a totally new position and found this particular one to be a great turn on for my wife as well as myself. I felt a bit more sensation than has been the case on my shaft, and found myself trying to delay my ejaculation rather than banging away endlessly with not a prospect of shooting.

So, things are improving, and it is still early days. Materbation has been cut right back.

I realise that a guy over 40 ought not to unload more than 2-3 times a week, but struggle to see me cutting back on lovemaking and mastebation so much - but that has to be my goal.

So, like you say, I am now coming up for air! Its been great exploring my sexuality and concerns on this board - there have been some amazing things on this voyage of self discovery!


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