Re: distance varies with excitement level.
In my last post, I wrote my "four point plan" for improving things - can you advise things that will help on each of those?
Couple of things - firstly, off tangent re semen thickness being any sort of problem - its not blocking in any way, just that its less likely to shoot, I thought. secondly, I'm not shy or ashamed of masterbation - if I were, then I would not being able to perform it in front of wife, would i? There must be millions of guys still facing this taboo. Not so for me, luckily.
No, you have got me wrong. I'm the sort of guy who does not accept second best,does not accept the inevitable and proves to himself that things can be improved - it just means finding the "key" and being able to look at things in perhaps unconventonal ways at times. One way or another, within a year max, I will be enjoying explosive orgasms, the likes of which only ever exist in a 20 yr old. Day dreamer? you will say so, but in all other aspects of my life I have proved conventional thoughts and ideas to be totally wrong!
No, what I REALLY would appreciate is advice on the FOUR points in my previous post, nothing else now matters - I have identified the problems, faced up to them and are now takling them one at a time.