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Re: distance varies with excitement level.
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Re: distance varies with excitement level.

n/t ©†ƒ……•™¼‡_Original_Message_¾€š½ž¢«»¬ï°©

The good news for me is that I am only a week into kegels and already there is improvement.

From an "ooooooooooze" to a thick jet "leaping" 3-4 inches, in just a week.

OK, before, you laugh, if you already shoot 3-4 feet then this sounds pathetic - but for me it is great progress.

I'd always assumed that my being so well endowed meant there was something of a physical issue preventing it from happening (in other words, some loss of force due to extra friction that simply would not exist in a bloke with a short penis).

This whole thread may sound pointless to guys who already shoot - not understanding or appreciating the problem as i see it.

Point is, this is something that matters to me and being able to shoot a few feet is something I'd just love to experience.

Thanks for pointing out the referecne to John Holmes - I'd not understood it - presumably he was an American, and that would explain why I'd never heard of him. Anyway, a compliment really.

Basically, I will feel better if I can overcome what I see as this "ooozing" problem.


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