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Re: My Cock is waking up!
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Re: My Cock is waking up!

Talk about a composition !...I can see that you are exercising more than your penis...your fingers too on the keyboard.
Briefly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with self-gratification. You are pleasing yourself. It only becomes a problem if it interferes with other things you should be doing or interferes, in your case, with your relationship with your wife. There is absolutely nothing wrong with is good for you and your prostate. It does need to be done in private and not to excess.. People have shunned it for religious reasons for years. You should be running your own life, not from religion that stems from superstitious sheepherders in pastures. This is 2004...the rules are all different. What did they know about orgasms and stuff?
Thankyou for the compliment about being an expert, but I'm not..just know what I've experienced. In our relationship, my wife's satisfaction is my goal no matter how it's accomplished. For her, my satisfaction is her goal. Pretty cool, huh! We are true to each other for life.
I always ooze precum too. All my life. Some of it is seminal leakage. Not too worry.
I also have a good size penis which always impresses the wife.. I don't really know how it compares to others. As a fairly skinny person, I can touch my belly button with it. Belly buttons are probably not consistent. I would not want it any longer. Lately, I've had trouble penetrating because of the size, so I resorted to using lubrication ( KY Heat lotion)...what a difference. She likes it too! If a vagina can fit a babies head, a big cock shouldn't be a problem. The trick is to use enough foreplay until it grows big enough and plenty of lube. Have a towel to lay on..and enter slowly.
Most guys, when the enter the vagina, cum in about 3 to 4 minutes. With sex enhancer, you can hold back for a long time and pick when you ejaculate. All this time, you are giving your wife INCREDIBLE pleasure ( similar to fisting). You can take extra long strokes. For you, it is the longest lasting sex ever because you have more control. When you finally shoot, your covered with sweat.
I still suggest trying v1agra ONCE. If you don't like it, don't take it again. Mail me the rest! Once you try it, you will want it always. It will not hurt you to try it. It will probably correct those 3 problems you have. I tell the Doc that without it is same as driving with a FLAT TIRE. He maintains that it will not hurt anything. Watch her moan and's worth it. If you want natural stuff, take COBRA.
Cooling your balls?...put an ice pack between your legs
Questions for you:
How do you feel when you spank the monkey and then compare it to intercourse? Do you ever spank the monkey by yourself? If so, you could try v1agra and feel the difference without worrying about being too big.. My first time, I had an erection come and go for over 3 hours and a big pile of semen (not playing with yourself, spanking the monkey) all by automatically cleans your pipes. What a feeling. The second time, I dozed off (hadn't taken effect) and woke up with a 4 hour continuous pleasure wet dream. the third time with her, she almost woke up the neighbors. Remember, a larger penis has a better chance of rubbing against the clitoris. If you think I'm informative about sex, take my will be one happy guy! C'mon back.


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