Re: distance varies with excitement level.
Hi from the U.S.
That's good on the improvement. Kegals help some people. I do Kegals every time I urinate, but I'm not looking for any distance; that ship has sailed.
So, did you try v1agra or Cialis?? They each have their benefits.
It makes the penis work the way it used to, but bigger, harder and with more ejaculate force. Especially good for those with premature ejaculation or even normal ejaculation where you can almost control the time when you shoot..
It's a nice way of pleasing your mate...your mate will see your penis as bigger, length wise and girth wise, and gotta like that! This is not permanent, however.
There are also testosterone pills from your doctor to replace what your body might not make so much of as time goes by....which could help revitalize your sex life over time..
For those who would rather not talk to a doctor, local health chains carry several natural enhancers...none of them as good as the big three, but helpful somewhat. The web rates Cobra fairly high. The exception was Stamina RX, which was incredible, but pulled off the market because it contained v1agra and was being used by people with heart problems with bad results. Stamina Rx proved that a combo of naturals enhancers and v1agra was a dynamite combo for a healthy person.