Re: 3 feet is VERY impressive
n/t ©†ƒ……•™¼‡_Original_Message_¾€š½ž¢«»¬ï°©
I'm learning so much, researching and questioning the web. The excitinbg thing is the future is bright!
I didn't expect to post today, gonna wait a week, but something struck me today like lightening - I am lasting so long because relative to what other guys say they experience, my cllmax appears very weak indeed!
I've never found, for instance, uncontroled muscle spasms etc that you describe. I could go on but I wont.
Basically, this ejaculate distance thing has uncovered a whole host of related things that I can improve greatly!
I only oooooz - to the extent that I have to "milk" most of the thick viscous cum along and out my shaft after I have unloaded!
Building the muscles and the cllmax are going to help from the reseach I've checked out in the past day or so.
Problem is, I really want to avoid any increase in girth or length - not something my wife wants. I dont want to end up with a freakishly big erection either. I'm just happy with what I have!
Looks like I need to take things steadily, but over say 6 months from what i have researched there is a holy grail waiting for me to discover - a bloody good deep and satisfying cllmax and shootin like a bull!
I've spent my life focussed on satisfying my partners - thats why my wife has allways beeen very satisfied.
But hell!, its now time for me to tap into "my" cllmax.
What a statement, age 40 or so and feeling like I've missed out on real deep cllmaxs all my life!
My muscles are so incredibly weak "down there", they must be, but I never knew as i never considered the issue. With a stonking rock hard erection and satsified parnters I had no reason to think otherwise.
Anything else I can do to improve cllmax? At present, its no more of an expereicne than drinking a cup of tea! OK wild exaggeration but you get the idea.
I'm impatient for progress, but know things will take time.
Looking forward to 2005!