Re: Update #3
I was just getting ready to respond to your last post.
General surgery? As in "put you under" with toxic anasthetics via IV/bloodstream and lungs in the 'horrorspital' to lance/drain/remove a carbuncle?! (with or without a fatty, benign tumor). Quite honestly, I'd draw a big ole line in the sand right there, my friend!! I'd simply say, "well, if that's the case, I need more time to consider my options"...because you do have a LOT of options. (One of my internet friends just lost her elderly mother because she went into the horrorspital for one thing, contracted the dreaded, hospital common, c-diff bacteria strain, and she was gone from this earth in a couple of weeks).
But even without that recently happening, I totally recommend AGAINST "general surgery" unless one is in a life-threatening situation. Even if there's a lipoma at the core of your carbuncle, the carbuncle/infection can still be lanced and drained in an office setting. If you're in a position where you feel you must deal with allopathic medicine on this, then now is DEFINITELY the time for a second/third opinion!!
Besides, the doctor that fully examined the area the first time and recommended AB's and told you to come back for lancing/draining 'in office' now the SAME doctor that is telling you it's too big for an office procedure? Uh, duh, why didn't he notice/tell you that in the first place? Now that he's thought about it, he decided he doesn't like lancing & draining carbuncles? or doesn't know how to deal with one that large after all? Or doesn't feel confident to cut you that near your spinal column/cord? Either way, that'd be a HUGE 'red flag' in my mind. (If the original MD warned you that it might be too big to deal with 'in office', then scratch the part where I insult him :o)
I can guarantee you that large doses of good/pure echinacea tincture WILL strengthen your immune system enough to virtually eliminate the swelling/drainage/infection with a week...allowing our clueless 'doctor friend' to be able to see just what (and what actual size) of carbuncle/lipoma/cyst with which he is dealing (since he obviously couldn't tell that upon initial inspection).
...And you can get a 4 ounce bottle, shipped quickly/overnite right here:
The link above is for straight echinacea; the links below are for a blend of echinacea with other immune supporting herbs.
(Echinacea Goldenseal Compound)
(Immune Defense Tonic)
>>>Echinacea Root is one of the STRONGEST Immune Stimulators and Enhancers known! It will INCREASE the amount of T-cells and Macrophages in your bloodstream; it can DOUBLE and TRIPLE them in just a few days! It also INCREASES the amount of Interferon, Interleukin, Immunoglobulin and other IMPORTANT Natural Immune Chemicals present in your Blood! This is how Echinacea works, by BOOSTING the number of your Immune Cells and amounts of Natural Chemicals and then stimulating them into MORE activity and action. The benefit of Immune Stimulation is a shorter duration of existing Colds and Flu and/or prevention of FUTURE Infections. It also initiates and speeds up RECOVERY from chronic and long-term Immune
Depression Illnesses, Diseases and Degeneration.<<< reference:
Please consider echinacea; if you would have been taking doubles doses several times daily since the beginning of this thread, I can guarantee you that you would NOT be looking at 'general surgery' in any way, shape or form. Grz, I realize since you're "steeped" in allopathic wife, friends & family, exactly how tough this is for you to deal with (been there, done that myself, so I empathize entirely). BUT I also know that this is a perfect opportunity to make a very impressive impact upon their thinking...and YOUR health.
Hmmm, that's all I've got for now...what's your thinking?