I have a very sensative gut too. I've discovered that 2 things helps. One, never ever swollow the gel caps. Being gluten intolerant your tummy will ahte you! (mine does). Instead I put the herb/ingredients into a small amount of water and swollow. I also make sure I've gotten all of it. I started taking l-cystene this way and many of my tummy problems have decreased a great deal!! As for the detox problem, go in very tiny ity bity steps. Take half a pill, then a whole, then one and a half etc. In this way I have avoided the detox tummy hardships. When I start a detox I cut back. I never let my body do the detox all at once. Since starting to do things in that method my health has inproved with leaps and bounds.
This may be strange, but, I get the feeling that you are right about avoiding regular cancer treatments. It's not for you, your body systems are too sensative and could not handle it. Follow the path you are on instead. God bless you!!