Re: Going to heaven when we die.
I think there’s loads of symbolic meaning and contradictions in the bible and I can so understand why people have differing views, this from somebody who thought all Christians were the same when she trudged along to this forum a few years ago. I myself have my own views and this forum put me onto that path and I’ve got a long journey ahead of me still and I feel comfortable in that journey and I know that I’m not and perhaps never will be up to those debates that I witnessed here. I feel Ive moved on from being the person who makes the cup of teas who now started the apprenticeship a while back. As a student of the bible I don’t come along here and say I’m right because I realise that studying the bible can be contradicting and hard going at times and I’m very comfortable with that. That’s why there were such great debates on here.
However, I feel more confident, there was a time when I felt better in the Biblical with Refreshed, I don’t know if I would be here now if she hadn’t have been with me in the Biblical at the beginning, she gave me confidence and when she first left, my confidence got knocked, should I leave - but she came back and that’s when things took off for me, then when she left again I was ok. I actually think God used her to build my confidence in those early days, some days she posted and I didn’t answer because of other commitments and sometimes because I felt overwhelmed! But she was always there especially helpful and gave me a lot of time. The bible has made me feel overwhelmed at times, maybe that’s normal or because of other commitments. I felt overwhelmed and wasn’t absorbing information. So in the end I stopped, that’s why I felt annoyed with my parents because kids absorb information and remember it but it gets harder as we get older and my memory is like a sieve. It’s better to study the bible to retain information and just enjoy it but as I say I’ve a memory like a sieve.
There are some really beautiful passages in the bible, I really like the psalms, the birth of Christ is beautiful. The raising of Lazarus is incredible. People say Harry Potter is an incredible book but once people have the scales removed from their eyes they can see that there is no greater book than the bible, that’s why Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ and The Resurrection is and will be forever so much greater than the Potter movies, nothing compares. If all those tarot spell potion lovers let God into their lives and got rid of their magic wands, they would see how great the bible is and how foolish they were to be followers of the said Potter.. which is based on the occult and then tarot cards is another level, direct communication with the underworld so to speak (demonic), people are opening up a porthole for communication with demons only most are so novices they don’t realise it, then if they use those tarot cards for spells oh my! Their in real danger then but no they put 5 star reviews on Amazon on what pretty cards they are for using with their spell books and then to take it further they buy wands from places supplied by real witches and then their in desperate trouble because they don’t have the knowledge of how to perform them properly leaving them open for real danger, those wands come with real spells for he novice to perform to make those wands powerful. I’ve been looking into Harry Potter and other books and some spell books and by all accounts there is some very powerful books being sold on Amazon and some I’m dubious about that they have any power at all and I’m not going to mention the most powerful book of all spell books I came across because I don’t want to encourage anyone to go look, it was purely by accident that I came across a certain book regarded to be so powerful that any novice using it would be in the utmost danger, it was at the time being sold on amazon but I don’t know if it is at the moment, I don’t think there’s to many copies of it about, its not a book any novices would want to get involved with, it’s based on real historical magic, everyone makes choices in life but if someone thinks those books are harmless then God help them, that’s why Potter concerns me, the film makes for a magical kingdom that children and older love, then new witches and wizards are born. I find Derek Princes views on demons very good but again I doubt you would agree with me on that subject even though he was no Benny Hinn.
One thing that makes me smile now is I couldn’t join in the debates but when they got really heated I would be ready on stand by... I laugh at myself now.. I would be posting videos such as Everybody was Kung Foo Fighting...
Well I did come across another passage to support going to heaven such as Paul’s desire to be with God..
For me to live in Christ and to die is gain...if I am to live in the flesh that means fruitful labor to me. Yet which shall I choose I can not tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.