Re: Icu protocol question
Each explosion is a little different.
First you feel sick, I mean really sick.
The worm pumps out worm juice, that speeds up your heart. Depending on the species, they can split.
Sweat is the real indicator, they burst the seam, you feel the seam split, fluid runs out, it is toxic.
Wait for it, do not dose ivm to early, the worm needs to split open completely. DEC and IVM paralyze the juvies. The eggs quickly start to travel. The worm wants you acid, other worms dump juice to enable the young to survive. The more acid you are, the better the chance they have to survive.
Nausea sets in.
Ascaris cause you to be weak, acid, then you feel a heart pain, lung pain, two hours later brain pain.
It builds and builds.
I take invermectin, the pain subsides, the acid in the throat or gut continues to grow. it burns, it throbs.
After 10 hours the confusion subsides, the pain of the worm bursting fades, it could take a few days to fade completely. If they are in your throat the strep like pain lasts for days or weeks. I had one travel through the eustation tube, it took weeks to stop burning from their emissions.
They damage your DNA. They eat through your body, they are not friendly, they destroy.
Killing them takes a special mix, depending on the parasite. most are easy to kill, some are tough, some are literately like the kiss of death.
They emit a numbing agent out their mouth, very powerful so you cannot feel them chewing, they have a blood clotting agent that seals bleeding circulation systems.
I cannot believe the medical profession ignores this problem.
Anyway your problem (observation in stool) sounds like a large liver Faciolopsis buskii
I suspect if you have two types of parasites, We all do. Your perception may be altered, you may identify the wrong problem that will cost time.
Keep an open mind, As I flushed tomato skins, sesame seeds, skitzo's, i did not know what I was looking for. I did not yet know I had Ascarid's.
Its a process, not a single parasite.
Clean the liver, clean the kidneys, kill the easy low hanging fruit, identify the bigger problem, and shoot.
It took me time to id my primary source.
Do not be fooled by the red herrings. See the bigger picture, be the bigger picture. Try a few things, find a few things that buy you time. If IVM is not it, try pinx or PZQ.
Life is not a strait line, the shortest distance is a strait line. Take your time, do not panic, take a step, look around, take another step.
parasites is a problem within a problem.
Usually you are strong enough to avoid them. The eggs are everywhere. Stress, another infection, some drain on your immune system caused your susceptibility to this. When you get to the end of the path of discovery you will find out more about yourself, more about your body, more about health, and a door out of the bad space you are in now.
Head for the door, but move slowly and carefully, there are landmines in the room. Only you can get to the door, few people know how.
Its a walk that is worth it.