Hi all I need some advice.
Currently I am doing ICUS strongyloides protocol. I have scattered parasites encysted in muscles it would seem. I get twitches all over my body and wake up to little scratch marks. I also have a ticking feeling in my head. I originally thought strongyloides...and I still feel it could be given the scratch marks, and sometimes itchy bottom etc. However Im on the protocol and not noticing much of a difference. I am wondering about praziquantel....does anyone know if that is something I could take along with the strongyloides protocol? My situation seems to be becoming dire as I am testing positively for severe autoimmune disease, but I am 99% positive that my body is reacting to the parasites...trying to help me. I am genuinely afraid, and doctors haven't been a great help. I want to continue on the protocol, but I am also starting to wonder if a different parasite may cause these symptoms?? And that is why the ones in the muscle continue to be active? Any advice? Can I try adding praziquantel now?? Or what should I do??