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Re: Icu protocol question
mattk3 Views: 3,290
Published: 10 y
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Re: Icu protocol question

If they stop for 24 hours with invermectin, it could be another roundworm.

I was tested for filariasis, and strongyloides. both were negative.

There are 1000 species of round worms.

I tested positive for Ascaris. The ELISA test means 205KDA

Testing positive for 205 generally means you have a round worm.

unless you tested positive for specific kda 49, 87, 21, etc, antigens, which is only done in a research lab, it is hard to know exactly what species you have.

The good news is that there are only a few meds and most have some effect on a round worm, irregardless of the type.

BOLDO slowed them down, Zinc Sulfate made them sick then explode, anti-parasitics kill them. Even within a species, certain drugs may not work. I tried all the usual drugs, non of them worked for me. I had to go off label.

If it is round, there are quite a few meds that could work. sometimes it takes 2 or 3 at a time to kill the critters.



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