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Re: Rename the 'AF' support forum to Starvation Fatigue
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Re: Rename the 'AF' support forum to Starvation Fatigue

If you got it all figured out, then why are you still sick? It's just like almost everyone as in the Starvation Fatigue forum trying to come up with theories and ideas to explain why they think their adrenals are out of whack, making things sound so technical and complicated that you need to have a doctorate degree to understand when the simple fact is the biggest reason they feel out of whack has nothing to do with the functioning of their adrenal glands, they feel out of whack because they are calorie-deprived.

You can change the name all you want, from "Adrenal Fatigue", to "Adrenal Exhaustion", to now "Adrenal dysregulation". The only thing disregulated in these people are the amount of calories they are getting.

Look what one of your links even says:

Conditions Related to HPA Axis Dysfunction
• Anorexia nervosa

It's the same thing some who believe in "AF" are trying to say "AF" is really GAS:

"General adaptation syndrome, or GAS, is a term used to describe the body's short-term and long-term reactions to stress.
Stressors in humans include such physical stressors as starvation...Stage 2 might also be named the stage of adaptation...Changes at many levels take place in order to reduce the effect of the stressor. For example, if the stressor is starvation (possibly due to anorexia), the person might experienced a reduced desire for physical activity to conserve energy, and the absorption of nutrients from food might be maximized."

I know what you are probably going to say next, that am I saying starvation is the only cause of stress? No, I'm not. I'm just saying it's the biggest cause of people's problems if they have the majority of symptoms listed for "AF" because those symptoms are symptoms of starvation, not "dysfunctional" adrenals.

Those people are also the one's who are either in denial that the lack of enough calories are playing a role in their ill health, or minimize just how big a factor it really is.

So for you, why haven't you calculated up how many calories you're averaging yet? Are you fearful to do so? Don't you want to at least rule it out as a possible cause to your problems?


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