Re: Rename the 'AF' support forum to Starvation Fatigue
I see your posts as an attack because of saying stuff I've never said and your snarky attitude, but now it adds up because you think I'm someone I'm not. This is my only account, so whoever "told" you different told you wrong and for the record, I don't support a fully raw diet, except for maybe treating cancer. The closet to raw I support is the Raw Till 4 diet because I do think fruit is optimal food, but I also support diets like Starch Solution if people don't have access to quality fruit, or don't feel satiated from basing their diet around fruit.
Back to the debate since now you know who I'm not, the only thing that causes adrenal problems are things that can physically damage the adrenals, like cancer or certain infections. If that happens, it's called Adrenal Insufficiency. Otherwise, the adrenals are hearty glands that don't wear out and just do what they are told to do by the brain.
This whole notion that the adrenals tire out and get "fatigued" and can be "rebuilt" using supplements is nonsense, but it sure makes alternative practitioners a lot of money.
Did you count your calories up yet?