Re: Rename the 'AF' support forum to Starvation Fatigue
Before I started researching about health, I had been eating a high-carb low-fat diet and getting sufficient calories.. but guess what, I still ended up with hypothyroidism and adrenal problems. I wouldn't call it adrenal fatigue, however, because using the word fatigue to describe the adrenals is quite misleading. Imo, a better term to explain the condition would be adrenal dysregulation, or the result of a complex biofeedback mechanism getting stuck in a loop and a vicious cycle that leads to general fatigue. But I digress.. Let’s see how easy it is to apply a theory and get so carried away with it as to confidently claim it is the source of all adrenal problems.
The cause of adrenal dysregulation MUST be lack of sunshine and too much artificial light, as you can clearly see in the beginning stages of adrenal “fatigue” where the pattern is low morning cortisol and high evening cortisol! I was getting too much artificial light and not enough sunshine to regulate the circadian rhythm, hence my biological clock ran awry. My theory must be right because that happened to me so it must have happened to everyone else; therefore, let’s rename the forum to Artificial Light Fatigue!
By the way, your advice /could/ potentially kill someone with diabetes. And before you start spouting ignorant bs like a no-fat diet solves the insulin problem,.. sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn't. There’s a lot of people who do the diet you recommend and end up with blood
Sugar problems later on in life. My grandparents are one of them; being fat-paranoid, they stayed away from all kinds of fat and ate very little meat all their life. They didn't eat processed junk either but they still ended up with diabetes. If the diet works for you, great. But don’t go around telling everyone to follow it because it makes you look ignorant and detached from reality.