Re: The Creators are Mother Father
Advertising, media moguls and social engineers funded extensive and exhaustive research to determine the 14 year old mentality level and 3rd to 6th grade comprehension level of most usa males. That is why sports games, media entertainment and media news is made as it is, pandering to the low levels of virtue and low levels of intellect to reach the mass targeted audiences.
Think about it, most sports games are males fixated on watching a round object, a ball, roll and bounce around. That is infantile arrested development of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 years olds exhibited in grown adult males.
If you read hilton hotema, he explains a female is less degenerated as her mammary glands still function and her reproductive glands have not fallen out. A males reproductive glands are no longer internal, hotema and other older mds and researchers suggest the prolapsus of reproductive organs and dysfunctional mammary glands just another sign of male biological degeneration.
This coincides with geneticists discovery that women have 2 X chromosomes and males have an XY chromosome missing the genetic information in the bottem hyleig of the Y, so a female with the X chromosome carries more genetic information coded material that the male is missing. Also the females role as nurturer and childbearer makes her more aware of developmental issues.
Mh says diet is the cause of humans problems, I agree diet theory is a part of the equation. Yet to account for such massive degeneration, a spiritual factor must be considered, see post on 7 deadly sins, devaes furies and asmodeus and also see blog on curezone Spiritual Healing under new blogs for Spiritual Protection prayer.
Since not ALL males are degenerated, I, as well as many thinking mds and researchers etc. (see s. modi. md, author, remarkable healings), conclued, demon possession is the root cause of all the depravity, degeneration and suffering seen today and in past 2000 plus years of recorded history.